Chapter 1

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Elizabeth Kayla Holmes is my name. It wasn't always. It used to be Elizabeth M. When I got dropped off at the orphanage at the age of one nobody knew my real name because the note that said it was smudged. At the orphanage I was always alone. I was the youngest there for a long time. Charles, the man who ran it, was an amazing person. He raised me up until I was about eleven. Then he gave up on me. He just stopped caring so much and left me on my own. By the time I was ten I was the most mature and I helped watch over the younger kids after I was done learning for the day. Nobody wanted to adopt me. They all called me freak. Im not a freak though. They were only upset that I was much smarter than the other children and the possible parents. Only one man wasn't intimidated or concerned or worried. That man was Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade.

When Lestrade came to Charles he only wanted to speak with him but then he noticed me. I saw the two men speak and it was almost certainly about me. Charles then beckoned me over. What did I do? Who is this man?

"Hello. Im Greg Lestrade" he said extending his hand out to me. He was a professional man, most likely a lot of people know him, he is kind and respectable, he has an unstable wife, and spends a lot of time working. I took his hand.
"Hello. Im Elizabeth."
That is where everything in my life got changed at the age of fifteen.
"Hi Elizabeth. You wouldn't mind coming with me for a while now would you? I just want you to meet a couple of friends of mine, take a couple of tests and tell me what you think" he explained. I looked at Charles and he nodded. I was going.

I packed my belongings and got into Lestrades car. He finally came with a folder in his hands. My papers. I was getting taken away from the orphanage. That means that I might get a home and a family for the first time in my life.

During the ride Lestrade explained who he wanted me to meet and why. He learned that I was smart and that I could deduce insane situations. He wanted me to take tests, deduce some people and situations to see if I could be useful to somebody.

After the tests and deductions Lestrade came in with a couple of men.
"Thank you Anderson. You can leave now."
After he said that one of the men left. All three men left in the room looked down upon him, he isn't respected or trusted enough to be with us, and he is most likely a secretive person and a liar.
"Elizabeth," Lestrade started, "this is Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. I told you about Sherlock already so now I want you to tell me about John."

Sherlock POV:
The girl in the room didn't seem to have a steady home or family. She looked about fifteen. She was thin with brown hair and hazel eyes. She also didn't seem surprised at Lestrades request. Her eyes scanned John then moved onto Lestrade.
"Retired army doctor. Marriage is falling apart possibly because of secrets and lies and one of the reasons you are still together is because of a small child."
"And how do you know" Lestrade asked.
"Haircut and posture suggest army. Hair has grown out a bit so I guessed he was retired. Doctor was another guess. His hands are steady and he is focused. His marriage is most likely only together because of his child. His ring is removed often but well taken care of as if he still questions what he is going to do."
"How did you know about my son? " John asked.
"You have baby powder on your left sleeve."
"You were right Lestrade." I said before anyone else could talk. "She is good."

Lestrade led us out and Elizabeth was left alone again. After the door closed he immediately looked at me and said,
"Do you think she can help with cases?"
Of course she could. She is plenty observant but guesses a bit more than I would like. She will learn with age and I could teach her.
"Yes. I could teach her more. She is clever and she will learn. I need her information so I can reach her on short notice." I answered. Lestrades face fell a bit.
"She doesn't have a home. Thats a problem I know but maybe you could..." he stopped.
"I need to take her in?" I asked.
"Yes just see if you can stand living with her. I think it would be best if she was with you so you could teach her. You don't have to adopt her and if you cant handle living with her i'll take her in." He explained. Would it be worth it? Could she really help or would she just be in the way? It might be worth a try.
"Just see if you can handle it and decide if you can take her in or not."
"Im taking Elizabeth home!"
"She needs somebody!" I said as i went back to collect her.
"Im sorry. We didn't get a proper greeting. Im Sherlock Holmes."
"Elizabeth M. Now Mr. Holmes, why would we need a proper greeting?"
"Tell me"
"You are taking me home."

Elizabeth POV:
As I sat in the back of a cab Lestrade put my bag down at my feet then turned to talk to Sherlock. John came in and sat on my right side.
"Sherlocks not that bad once you get to know him. He runs off a lot. When you get to the flat don't worry about any experiments he has lying around. Unless its a severed head. Then worry. Sherlock is crazy and hard to deal with at times just to let you know." He said. We both smiled at each other.
"You seem like a great person. I hope we get to meet again after this." He told me.
"Thank you. I hope we do see more of each other."
"Will you do something for me when you move in? Will you take care of Sherlock for me? He sometimes forgets to eat and he leaves messes all over. He was an addict but I hope he's done with that now." He sounded really worried.
"Of course I will take care of him." I said just as Sherlock opened the door on my left and I had to scoot to the middle. Sherlock had my papers in his hand. He closed his door and told the cabbie
"221B Baker Street."

Everything Has ChangedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon