Chapter 11 Suki vs Yue part 2

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Hey guys. So I know it's been a while since I updated my book, so I just wanted to say sorry, I've been busy with homework and working on my other story 'My Secret' Please forgive me and enjoy the chapter! :) ;)

"Sokka!" Sokka spun around, to face a yearly eyes Suki. She sobbed as she spoke softly
" I thought you loved me, I thought I was the only one you loved." Dokka had a look is shamefulness as he sighed.
" Suki no, no, please don't think like this. I love you, you don't have say I don't. I love you, You and only..." Sokka trailed of and suddenly whispered
" Yue" Sukis eyes burner with rage. Rage so powerful, that it co aimed her thoughts, her senses. Bwfore Solka could catch what he had just said Suki stormed over to him and have him one, tight, slap across his face.
" Ooh I feel like the culprit of an African lady!" Sokkas eyes widened as he realized what he said just made the matter worse. He started freaking.
" No Suki Um no I deserved- and its"
" Put a sock in it. We've been together for over 6 months. I thought you loved me, but now I see, it was all a trick. You just wanted to sleep with me!"
Sokka closed his eyes, at Yues remark. How can the girl he loved so much think that of him.
" Sokka you got me pregnant. Here I am carrying a baby, a f*cken baby, that belongs to you!"
Sokka cringed,
" A baby I thought would be eye for the both of us, and next think your crying out another girls name?!?! Your the most disgusting person I've ever met. We are OVER." And with that she stormed off leaving Sokka in more tears then before.
" Yue, Suki. What have I done?"

Katara walked through the halls towards Zukos chamber. A guard stood in her way. In a crumbly very grumpy voice he DEMANDED her.
" The fire kites requested no disturbances. Get OUT!" Katara looked at him, her eyes twitching. She opened her water holder and pulled out some water prepared for a battle.
" Well then GUARD, why don't you take a closer look at who you just yelled at." Instanlty His eyes widened at the sight if one Of Zukos guest, the master water bender.
" I'm- it's oh I'm SOOO sorry ma'am I-"
" Just let me in." Jatara knocked ever so gently on Zukos door. 1, 2,3, and she got an answer.
" Come in."

I told the guards that I didn't want to be disturbed. I was having an array of mixed emotions about how I dealt towards Katara. I just want to be alone, so this better be good. As the jangle door releases I turn around to see the one girl I was thinking sabout. She smilled at me, and my heart instantly started beating faster.
" Hey, sorry if I'm interrupting something." I smilled back at her,
" It's fine." I watched as her crisp blue eyes searched my room, before taking a seat on my bed, I took a seat as well, keeping a respectful distance. She turned to me with a smile.
" I know that something's wrong. I saw the way you left the room in a hurry, so I wanted to see if your ok. I felt so happy, knowing that she cared, and the fact that she was the only one to notice that something was wrong, made me smile, so I decided to tell her what was in my mind.

Zuko looked at her and sighed.
" Honestly Katara, I'm doubting my relationship with Mai. I mean, I thought that I loved her, but my feelings have changed, the way I feel for her... it just-" Katara closed her eyes and spoke the last words before Zuko could continue.
" It's just not the same." She looked at him and let out a little chuckle,
" I know how that feels. I actually am starting to have second thoughts on my relationship with Aang." Zukos heart jumped as his good eye widened a bit. All to casualy he responded,
" Oh I see." They sat in utter silence, deep in thought, as Zuko stole glances at her ever do often, until she broke the scilence.
" Ever since the war ended, and Aang and I kissed, well it was all good. But lately I've been feeling distant from him, the feelings just... aren't there."
"That's why you think you want to break up with him." Zuki finished her sentence.

Katara got up to Zukos balcony as she looked out at the night sky, as a cool breeze swept across her and she shivered a bit, Zuko emmediatly wrapped his covers over her, as she gave him a thankfully smile. Zuko stood next to her as they both looked up.
" Even though the war is over, I can't help but to feel all alone sometimes." Katara admits. Slowly but hesitantly Zuko takes her hand and squeezes it, as she has no reaction. Zuko looked up for several seconds before replying,
" Ill always be here for you." Katara turned to face him, thier faces only inches apart.
" I will always be with you to Zuko." Zukos eyes were closed as she breathed over his face, as he smelt a delighted scent of moon peaches. He closes his eyes, as their bodies are drawn closer to each other, the gap between them becoming smaller. There lips so close together, but Zuko felt so scared, to touch her full small Lucius lips. Just before they met Katara gasped and moved her face away, leaving the cool breeze to blow across his face. She walks away from him quickly and okwardly.
" Um, uh, yeah sorry... so yeah if you don't feel like you can be with her then uh, break up with her." Zuko sighed as he edged closer to the nervouse, cute, okward Katara, but she moved away, expressing okwardness, clearly indicating she doesn't want another incident to happen, like just now. Zuko decided to stand instead of intimidating her. In a small quiet voice he simply replied,
" Thank you for seeing if I was ok, I feel like you should use your own advice too. I want you to be happy, and if Aang doesn't fill you with that, then break up with him. But remember, do what your heart desires." Katara got up and smiled up at Zuko. He smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck in the okwardness. She gave him a quick hug, as he was token by surprise, and she released before be could wrap his arms around her. She mumbled
" Thank you Zuko." With ought another word she hurried out the door to her room.
On either sides both Katara and Zuko sigh as they plop down in bed, thinking about the kiss, that never happened.

Hope u liked it and thanks so much for 1k!!!

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