Chapter 15

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Clary's pov again -R!

As soon as we entered my room again, I sagged onto the floor, too shaken for tears. My breaths were short and I was shaking uncontrollably. I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't turn around. I couldn't see his face. Not after what he had forced me to do. He made me go to Jace and..and tell him it was over. He forced me to create a rune against my will. I had hurt Jace. I had hurt Jace.

I stayed on the floor for longer than I could count, recalling the horrible memory of Sebastian forcing me to make a rune. "I want you to make a rune for telepathy. If I were you, I wouldn't make a fuss. We don't want to do it the hard way", he had said. He put a stele in my shaking hand and I thought of how easy it would be to create a mutilation rune. Sebastian wasn't that stupid. He made me do it on myself first. "No", I said, "I can't do it". He fixed me with an annoyed and amused gaze which was beginning to annoy me. "The..the rune has come to before I d..draw it", I stuttered. He just grinned and grabbed my wrist. He forced my right hand to my left forearm and I fought as much as I could, but he was inevitably stronger than me. I felt the hot sizzle of the stele against me and I knew it was all over.


The door opened and Sebastian sauntered in. "Get off the floor, little sis. You've been sitting there for almost an hour". I didn't even flinch but stayed exactly as I was. I felt his arms go around me and I wrenched myself free, "GET OFF ME! GET AWAY FROM ME! YOU MURDERER, YOU DEMON", he seemed surprised at my outburst and took a step back. I stood up, seething. "Now get out. Of. My. Room", I said, my voice dangerously low. He looked surprised for a minute, then he began to laugh. How dare he. Ruin my life like that, then laugh at me. I saw a glint of adamas in his belt. That's it, I thought. Grab the stele,make a portal rune, imagine the institute and leap through. I had to do it quick.

I leaped forward grabbing his stele and began to draw on the wall. He only realized as the portal appeared. New York, I thought. The institute, I thought again as hard as I possibly could. I felt hands grab my jacket but I was leaping through the air and landed solid on my back, with a thud. The institute loomed up in front of me and I heard somebody else land lightly on their feet behind me. Sebastian. I ran to the door. "In the name of the clave, I ask entrance-", the door swung open and I ran inside, my brother in hot pursuit. I ran to the elevator, opened the gate and jumped in. I turned, Sebastian was in as well.

It began to travel upwards as I shrank against the wall. He crept up to me and grabbed me by the lapels of my jacket. He bought me close to him, then suddenly slammed me back against the wall with all his force. Agony teared through my whole body, the elevator had arrived. I managed to shove him out and stumble with him into the entryway. "HELP! HEL-", I screamed but was cut off by Sebastian jerking me back and pinning me against the wall. I heard footsteps and I saw Alec running forward, followed by Izzy and Jace. Jace.

"Stop where you are", said Sebastian and whipped out a dagger. It was sharp and glinted in the light. I gasped. Jace took a step towards me and Sebastian's knife kissed my throat and dug it in slightly. I gave a little scream. "I said stay where you are", he repeated.

"What the hell!", shouted Isabelle, "Let her go, you-"

"Clary here has been a bit naughty", said Sebastian slowly, "Clary here needs to be punished", he said. Jace drew in a breath. "But we won't do it here. We should go right back, don't you think Clary?", he didn't wait for a reply, but carried on talking. the dagger still at my throat, "you've put all your lovely friends in danger by doing this, but i'm going to be lenient". I began to struggle, but he pressed the dagger in deeper and I screamed. With one hand pinning me in place, he reached for his stele and sketched the portal rune on the institute wall. The portal appeared and I struggled again. The dagger dug further in, and I gasped from the pain. Sebastian began pullling me through and I went along.

"I love you Jace", I said as I dissapeared.

The last thing I saw was his face, lighting up as I said that. Despite everything, I smiled.

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