July 26th

15 1 0

Hello, Comrades! Today was rather exciting! Mr. Zhongli and I had an opportunity to venture to Inazuma! Since it's an island nation, it really is quite different from the life I knew on the rest of Teyvat. It was quite nice! I was able to check in on some of my work's members who are currently stationed there. As of now, all is well! I'm happy to be on this trip with Mr. Zhongli. Spending time with him is like nothing else in the world. I could almost compare it to the glorious combat I used to face back home in Snezhnaya. On the Islands, we did some exploring! Many places are really scary and full of electro energy! I'm grateful for Mr. Zhongli and his shields. That's all we did today. Farewell, Comrades!
-Signed, Childe!

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