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Andrew sighed, shifting in his seat to look over at Ace. As far as he could tell, she hadn't moved, not even blinked, in twenty minutes. Hell, she could've passed for dead if it wasn't for the rapid tapping of her fingers on the table.

Bender had since wandered back to his table, and had finally finished the sandwich Ace had brought him.

"Right I'm tired of just sitting here," Bender said decisively, standing up, "Let's go."

"Go where?" Claire asked him.

"To get some stuff from my locker. We'll call it a healthy stretch of the legs. Let's go." He motioned to the door.

Reluctantly, everyone began to get up, even as Brian muttered about how they weren't supposed to go anywhere.

Only Ace stayed sitting, still staring at nothing as they moved over to the door.

Bender paused at the door, "Someone- Sporto, get her, would you?"

"Why? If she doesn't want to go, she shouldn't have to."

Bender shook his head, "She'll want to, trust me. Might be going batshit, staring at the table like that."

Reluctantly, Andrew headed back across the library, tapping at her desk, "Come on."

It took a moment before she blinked rapidly, "hmm?"

"We're going to get something from Bender's locker, come on." He explained.

Slowly she stood up, following him across the library to where Bender was leaning against the door, trying to listen.

"Move." She muttered, elbowing him.

Reluctantly, he moved out of the way, "Heard him swearing about something a minute ago."

They stood in silence for a moment, vague footsteps passing the door.

Ace silently counted to ten, before opening the door, just a hair and peaking out before turning to Bender and nodding.

He quickly slipped through, and the others followed.

"How do you know where Vernon went?" Andrew asked her quietly.

She shrugged, "I don't."

"You mean this is all on a whim?"

She sighed, stopping in her tracks to turn to him, "He was swearin about something, right? That's what Bender said. Heard him complaining about coffee, odds are something happened to his coffee. Something happens to his coffee he needs something else to drink, he needs something else to drink he's probably headed to the teachers lounge. It's not that hard."

She continued to walk again, leaving Andrew to hurry to catch up with her and the rest of the group.

"This is so stupid, why are we risking getting caught...? Brian muttered.

They turned around another corner, and Bender began to open his locker, revealing the trashhole that it contained.

"Slob!" Claire scoffed.

He rolled his eyes, digging through a pile on one of the shelves, "My maids on vacation."

He pulled out a bag, half wrapped in paper, and Brian's eyes went wide, "Drugs..."

"Screw that... Bender put it back!" Andrew hissed.

Bender shook his head, closing the locker and beginning to walk away, Brian still mumbling, "Drugs.... He has marijuana!"

Clarie sighed, following Bender back down the hallway, Ace close behind.

Andrew grew tired of Brian's rambling and hurried to catch up with the others, leaving Brian to turn to Allison, "Do you approved of this?"

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