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Time seemed to pass slowly, as Ace fiddled with various things from her pockets.

She solved, scrambled and re solved a rubik's cube over and over, as Bender lit his boot on fire, and Andrew played with his sweatshirt strings.

Slowly, everyone else dropped off into sleep, leaving Ace to sigh, pulling out her beat up walkman, and slipping the headphones over her ears.

She'd been about to flip the tape, when footsteps again approached the door. Quickly tucking the player away, she looked up as Vernon entered again, sighing.

"Are they all asleep?"

She nodded slowly.

"Wake up!" He yelled clapping his hands.

No one moved.

Vernon sighed, rubbing at his temples, "Who has to go to the lavatory?"

Suddenly every hand in the room was up.

He sighed again, "Let's go."

They were haphazardly paraded out of the library and down to the bathrooms, "Hurry it up." Vernon instructed.

Ace followed Claire and Allison into the girls bathroom, leaning against the wall with a sigh, "He's a real prick isn't he?"

"Yeah," Claire sighed, digging through her bag, "Hey, do you have any skin cream?"

"Uhhhhh, no. I don't really do the whole... makeup thing." She shook her head.

"Why not?" Claire asked, looking at her in the mirror.

"Feels weird. Brushes on my face..." She shuddered, "Wouldn't be able to do it."

"Say, how did you know to get Andrew to go back to his own seat? Earlier."

Again, Ace shrugged, "Heard Vernon coming down the hall."

"Everyone was yelling though." She frowned.

Allison's stall opened, and she walked out, moving to the sink, "I heard him too."

After they had been deposited back in the library, Bender got up and began to wander again, finding a book and beginning to tear out pages.

"That's real intelligent." Andrew scoffed.

"You're right... it's wrong to destroy literature." Bender said, continuing to tear out the pages, "It's so much fun to read, and- man Molet is just such a good chapter."

"It's Mol-yare." Ace corrected.

He rolled his eyes, dropping the book and moving on to the file card cabinets, shuffling the pages around, "Big deal. Nothin to do when your locked in a vacancy.."

Ace sighed, zoning out as she began to solve the rubik's cube once again. It took Bender tossing a crumpled paper at her sometime later for her to realize someone had asked her something, "Hmmm?"

"I'm taking a census, you think 'Claire' is a fat girl name?" He asked.

Ace looked at him for a long moment, and then back at Claire, "Bender you're really makin me think that maybe you're the freak, not me."

Andrew chuckled, "She's sort of right."

"I still think I'm ri--ght." Bender said in a sing-song voice, moving to lean against the railing.

Claire turned, flipping him off.

"Oh.... Obscene gestures from the pristine girl." Bender feigned hurt.

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