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          The news has spread like wild fire that Samson has been arrested for involving himself in illegal business. His friends in the Lobito mandem tried to reach out to him but all proved abortive as the policemen didn't allow him to be seen. The whole school got disturbed as one of their good students has been arrested.

          It was later discovered that Samson belongs to the D Mafia group ( Drug Mafia Group). This group has been in existence for more than 30 years. His uncle couldn't believed when he heard this, he shed tears like a baby which later had negative impacts on his health. Unfortunately, there is nobody to take care of him as the only person he relies on has been arrested.

          Bright got tensed up as he heard about the news. He tried to meet with his other friends in the mandem so as to plan on how to see him. Could this story be true?(Bright asked). Nobody knows(Michael replied). Samson has been a nice person with a good heart although he has some flaws such as his bad dressing, uncombed hair but these evidence are not enough to serve basis for his arrest.( Pat said). See, guys I don't want us to argue much on this but to find a means by which we can contact Samson and ask him the real events behind the story.(Jimat added).

          Lizzy, have you heard? ( She was just entering the school). What could that be?(She asked). Samson has been arrested. ( She gave a serious look). Are you guys normal?( She asked). I don't joke with issues relating to my guy, so stop it. See, we are not joking, he has been arrested for drug trafficking and other criminal activities such as robbery and arson. Are you guys being serious right now?( She asked). We are not joking, Lizzy ,the whole school is disturbed due to the incident ( Tina added). So, you mean my Samson was arrested due to these crimes. Yes( They all responded).

          ( All of a sudden, Lizzy dropped her bag and ran towards the tree where Samson and Bright usually discuss, she ran with every strength in her). She met Bright and other guys discussing. What happened to him?( Shouting on top of her voice). Can somebody please speak up( She shouted again). Are you guys alright? I said what happened to Ben? Who is Ben?(Jimat asked). That is Samson's second name(Michael replied). We heard that he involved himself in some illegal drug business, he belongs to the D-mafia group, the last operation he did led to his arrest as the client he delivered the cocaine to later got arrested. After this client was heavily tortured, he confessed that Samson sold him the drugs but we are not sure about the validity of the story and that is why we are planning on how to see him in order to know what really happened (Pat said). I think I need to call my Dad( Lizzy's dad is one of the most influential lawyer in the city). Lizzy, calm down ( Bridget trying to calm her down). Don't you ever tell me to calm down( She shouted back at her).

          Uncle keyton's health conditions is now more worse since Samson has been arrested. Dr Billman has been with him for several hours beside the sick bed praying and encouraging him never to give up on his health. Doctor, do you think I will make it with this worse state of health of mine? I am feeling pain all over my body as the only boy that gives my joy has been arrested. What is then the meaning of life if it is about losing ones joy every now and then. The only boy that takes care of me is now close to jail( He started shedding tears). Stop crying sir, this wouldn't never be beneficial to your health as it may even worsen it more. Always have faith and never give up on yourself. I have to go now, I need to see other patients in the other wards, I will be back in a jiffy.

          The school later sent some delegates to check on Samson and to see how he is doing. Some teachers were appointed. When they got to the prison gate, they were all sent back by the prison wards as the the suspect in question would soon be charged to court as the crime is a first order crime that must be treated with immediate effect. The delegates went back in in shame and disappointment as they were not welcomed.

          When Lizzy heard about this, then she thought of a plan. She went to her dad and caused so many troubles for him in the house because she knew that is the only way her dad will give her a listening ear, she was able to pacify him to be Samson's lawyer( She knew Samson has no lawyer) and a means by which she could see him is through that. After several episodes of pacifying, her father later agreed to be Samson's lawyer.

          Lizzy and her dad set out the next morning to the prison, they were questioned but they were later allowed to go in. They were led to the prison room where Samson is, he was later allowed to go out with prison warder at his back and they all went went to the waiting room so that  they can talk things out. Barrister Clinton(Lizzy's father) questioned Samson about some facts and decided to help him. Thank you sir, I really appreciate, i'm really grateful. You welcome. Dad, can you please excuse us, I want to talk to Samson. Okay, no problem, don't waste my  time, don't forget you have to go to school. No problem, sir, be going, I will come and meet you outside now. Samson, what happened? What brought you into the mess? I know you you will never go to jail. Don't worry my dad will try his best for you. He is very good. Also, I brought you this food( She brought a big sealed container with rice and chicken in it), make sure you eat so you don't starve too much and concerning subsequent times, I have bribed one of the warders and he will always allow me to see you. Thank you, lizzy, I can't appreciate you enough.(Lizzy smiled after he said that). Don't worry, you will come out of this and we will attend the class dinner together.  Hmm hmmm (He replied). I have to be on my way now, I will see you some other time.

          After she left, Samson started mustering to himself, what is even wrong with this lady, does she think I like her?  Does she think she could win my heart because her father wants to help ( he hissed), that  is a piece of crap but to be sincere, this food is sweet, the chicken is very soft and the rice heavenly.

          Uncle keyton later died as a result of heart failure. Dr Billman tried his best reach out to Samson but he couldn't. Samson and Uncle Keyton are the only family that remains as Samson's parents have part ways and are not hearing from each other for more than 15 years.

          Later on, the news reached Samson and he broke down. He wept bitterly as that is the only person that is like a parent to him, the only companion he has. His prison mates started consoling him to stop crying and that was when Samson revealed that it was because his uncle's health is not stable and the doctor requested for money pertaining to his uncle's surgery, this was what led him into drug business because that was where he could get enough money to pay. The surgery was about two hundred thousand dollars and there was nowhere he could get that from and due to pressure, Patrick introduced him to a drug lord called Magadat who later initiated him into D-mafia group.

          Uncle Keyton was later buried and the whole congregation later returned back home. The night became so gloomy for Samson as his chessmate is gone. The past memories start to flash back like a rim of movies in his head. He remembered the day he saw him at the hospital, he remember when he cleared his throat because he used his hander kerchief to clean Susan's face, he also remember the way they always to chitchat and the love and care he has shown him right from his young age since his parted ways when he was 2 years of age. One of his prison mates, Martin, came in order to console him, Martin later became emotional when Samson told him a bit of his story, he didn't even knows when he started shedding tears. I don't even know my parents ( He said). My life has just been one living in the wilderness as I lack parents to provide and take care of me. My uncle later took it as a responsibility and he did his best for me. This man would always work hard so that he can pay my school fees, it got to a point he almost got hit with a car as he was called to come and sign my scholarship form as I don't have parents to do so. That man has sacrificed a lot for me (He started crying) and I promised him to do well and make him proud. Stop crying Samson, I know this is a dark moment for you right now but I promise you everything is going to be fine back. We all have stories, we pray our stories end with the right piece.


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