Chapter 5: Curiosity

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Five hours flew by and Aurora slowly opened her eyes to complete darkness.... for a moment she panicked crawling  to the opposite side of the bed as her eyes adjusted she saw a large dark shadow laying on the floor, the opal eyes only being slightly visible as slits in the darkness. Aurora let out a small whisper just under her breath. "Venom?...." The room was silent...."oh good your sleeping...good...he's able to get some rest" Aurora laid back down staring at the ceiling for a moment before she reached over to turn on her small decorative tree with light up cherry blossoms on the nightstand. The light was just light enough to give the room a small amount of warm illumination without being overbearing....... Aurora laid there for a moment before she slowly rolled out of bed slowly, she held her breath as she carefully tip toed around the bed. Aurora stopped as she stared at Venoms obsidian skin laced with white veins and his distinguishable spider tattoo on his chest, his eyes only visible as small white slits along his face. As he slept it was almost a low purr he made with every breath, Aurora slowly approached him being very careful to not make any noise as she slowly sat down in front of him. She waited to see if Venom stirred as her eyes never left his face, careful to not make any sudden movements, not even blinking as she waited. When she noticed him not disturbed by her presence she slid herself closer to him only arms distance away from him, her body dwarfed by his.

Aurora remained sitting with her legs crossed as she watched him for a bit longer, then she reached her arm out and paused only inches above his forearm. Her hand lingered for a moment as her heart started to race. Aurora took a deep breath and gently set her hand down on his forearm, she slowly ran her hand along his skin feeling every muscle accentuated and skin that felt like smooth leather. Aurora couldn't help her curiosity as she ran her hand towards his hand examining the claw like nails along his fingers. Aurora smirked  before she pulled her hand away and started to stand up slowly, before she could get herself completely off the ground she felt something wrap around her wrist. Her heart fluttered as she saw Venoms Tendril wrapped around her arm; she quickly sat back down as he stared at her.
Aurora: I.......Im sorry for waking you venom.....
Venom reached out with his large hand grasping under her chin as he ran his thumb along her lips "No, Morsel.....Are you ok?"
Aurora: Yea I was just curious is all, I realized i've been so on edge I haven't taken a chance to really look at you... I don't mean as something that's a predator and terrifying, but just looking at you as more human......someone who has emotion and behaves kinda similar to the way we do.... Not exactly but you know what I mean.........You wouldn't hurt me? RIght?........I know you said you have some sort of connection to me but almost everyone in my life has told me they ever loved/ liked me has all hurt me in the past in some form or another.......I desperately want to trust you Venom............

Tears started to form in Aurora's eyes as she tried her best to hold them back, but no matter her efforts they rolled down her cheeks as she looked away...Venom sat up on his knees as he reached out pulling Aurora to his chest as he felt every emotion through her hormone fluctuations in that moment. He ran his large hand up and under her hair cradling her head tightly against his chest as Aurora sobbed. Aurora felt her mental pain start to ease as he held her so tightly.
Venom: I have yet to understand why your human male counterparts are so abusive to the females on this planet.

Aurora let out a faint giggle "don't be fooled some of the women are just as toxic........Not Stacey though.... But I wait for that moment every day.. I just expect it from people now."
Venom: Aurora...... im not letting you go

Aurora felt even more oddly relaxed as Venom said them with a low and soothing growl. She opened her eyes as she placed her left hand on his chest. "Venom, you will get bored of me....... everyone does at some point."
Venom: No...... I will not..... My bond to you is strong so I will protect you at all costs.
Aurora's brain raced  as she thought to herself "why?...... why am I somehow attached to this alien?....... he's terrifying but yet so gentle and kind to me..... no one has been this way with me..... i'm kind of scared of this feeling." Aurora reached her arm up wrapping her small hand around the venom's muscular neck before looking up.
Aurora: Venom...... i'm a needy person..... if this is the attention i get ill expect it all the time..... I am always unsure of myself too.........

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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