Dear Diary

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A/N This chapter will be about Kokichi writing in his diary, so there will be no dialogue. Also, this chapter is pre-game. I hope you will enjoy this oneshot!

Dear Diary, 

Today I went to school as usual. I wish I had the courage to tell my parents that I don't want to go to this school anymore. so much happens there that I don't like. I've also added a new person to the list of suspects that may be behind all of this chaos. 

Maki Harukawa

Tsumugi Shirogane

Kaito Momota

Tenko Chabashira

Miu Iruma

Angie Yonaga

The new person is Yonaga-san. She always has one eye on me, it's creepy. Although, I am a little suspicious of Saihara-kun. Maybe I'll add him to the list soon.

 Dear Diary,

Today was an awful day yet again, I don't understand why people can't leave me alone. Maybe I should add someone to my 'annoying people' list.

Kaito Momota

Angie Yonaga

Miu Iruma

Kaede Akamatsu

Kiibo (K1-b0)

Rantaro Amami

I figured Amami-kun would be the best to add to the list, he wouldn't stop flirting with me today. I'm a little scared that Saihara-kun keeps giving me a bouquet of roses everyday. Maybe I should talk to him, or hang out in exchange for his kindness. I shouldn't worry about this, maybe he's just trying to be nice..

Dear Diary,

Today was okay, I felt a little weird because no one was bothering me. No Amami-kun, not even Yonaga-san. Although, Saihara-kun offered me to hang out with him this Saturday. He just offered me this invitation. I didn't say yes nor no, I said I would think about it. I have neutral feelings for this invite. Maybe I should ask Tojo-san for advice, she is my best friend after all.

Dear Diary, 

Tojo-san said I should accept this invitation because it's nice to interact with people here and there. I said I appreciated her advice, so I went straight to Saihara-kun to accept his invite. Today is Wednesday, so I have plenty of time to get ready for our "date" as Saihara-kun would put it.

Dear Diary,

Today was horrible, I got set up by Momota-kun. He's never done this before but he dumped a carton of milk on top of my head in front of the whole class. Everyone laughed. I wish I could go back in time to go to school earlier than him so I could stop him. This is why he's a suspect, as well as annoying. 

When I got home, I talked to my mother about this. She said it was okay, I was a little upset to hear this at first. After she told me her reasoning I felt better. My mom is the best at cheering me up.

Dear Diary,

Today is Saturday, I'm a little nervous about this "date" that Saihara-kun set up for us. When I said I would go on a "date' with him, he had a sweet smile on his face. But, he also said I would love this "date". I was a little confused from the way he said it, maybe that's why I'm a little nervous. I shouldn't be, but I am.

I will admit! The "date" was fun. It's like he knows everything about me though. That's what bothers me. He took me to my favorite café and paid for everything. It was. . .romantic, I guess. I don't know how to feel about this so-called date. I guess that's the problem. While we were talking, he mumbled something about me and everything I like. I don't know if he meant to let me hear that on purpose, maybe it was an accident. It was weird.

Dear Diary, 

Today is Monday, also, everyone who stopped bothering me last week, harassed me today. I couldn't even use the restroom in peace. It was that bad. I'm starting to wonder if Saihara-kun is up to this, he was absent today. 

Dear Diary, 

Saihara-kun still isn't back. I'm starting to feel a little worried about him. Maybe it's because whenever he's around, nobody messes with me. Or is it because he's really kind towards me. It doesn't matter, I should be a little more patient. 

Dear Diary, 

Saihara-kun is back, and everyone isn't flirting, bullying, or teasing me anymore. Thank Atua. We also have a new student. Her name is Ibuki Mioda. She recently joined the music club with Akamatsu-san and Maizono-san. Mioda-san is very energetic, she also likes to talk to one of the teacher's a lot, Byakuya Twogami. He seems pretty annoyed with her, although he can mostly tolerate her energetic attitude. 

Dear Diary, 

I made some new friends today, and they're really close to Saihara-kun too. Out of all of them, I like to hang out with Ludenburg-san the most. She's really nice and gets me. Saihara-kun likes to hang out with Kirigiri-san the most. But we all like to hang out together, Fukawa-san also likes to tag along with us after school to do homework with us.

Dear Diary, I'm writing this paragraph while doing homework with Ludenburg, Kirigiri, Fukawa, and Saihara. I still have to study for a math test as well. It's currently 9:30, it's pretty late, and I'm feeling tired. I decided to go to my dorm room early, so I could get some sleep. 

Dear Diary, 

Saihara-kun invited me to his house to watch Danganronpa Season 52. According to Shuichi, this is the last season they were able to make. We binged the whole season in one day, Shuichi cried at the end. 

Dear Diary, 

It's been a while since I've written in this diary. Maybe about 5 years or so. I've graduated high school and now looking for a college that will help me with my career. Shuichi and I are together. During our years in high school we hung out a lot. He also confessed to me that he had quite an obsession with me back then. I should get going, I still have a lot of emails to go through. Bye, diary, it's been fun writing in you.

A/N Thank you for reading this oneshot, I hope you enjoyed it! As always, have a nice day/afternoon/night! -💙💜

Word Count: 1045

QOTD: Who do you prefer, Kokichi or Shuichi?

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