Chapter 10

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Emmett doesn't skip a beat.

"You don't act like her husband, you ass. You weren't there to see her fall apart. I picked up the pieces. Charlie had just died and you just walked away..."

"Em." Rose stops him, and I know him enough to know he's about to lose his shit.

Edward runs his hands through his hair, again.

"I did everything she asked me to do, Em."

He sounds so defeated; not himself.

Emmett lets out a breath, and I hear him walk away. Rose runs out after him and then the door slams.

The clock on night stand says it's six am.


I let out a breath, which makes Edward turn around. He looks like a wild animal, like he forgot that I was even in the same apartment with him.

I don't remember packing, or the trip to the airport. The last twenty-four hours are a complete blur.

We end up in Charlies room, and even though he's hooked up to machines and I feel like I want to cry again, he gives me the biggest smile he can.

"Buenos Dias, kid." He says it weak, but it makes me laugh.

The last time I talked to him he said that Billy was quizzing him on how to speak Spanish for his visit. We laughed at him, but he is doing really well, better than I am.

"Daddy." It comes out as a choked sob, and I sit next to him. Edward talks to a nurse, and he looks so serious.

For the first time it hits me that Dad may not be okay. He pulls my hand and squeezes it.

"No more diner meals for you, mister." I say, trying to lighten up the mood and the ache in my heart.

Charlie rolls his eyes and glances at Edward, "Is he gonna man up and face me?" He says it pretty loud but it causes him to cough.

Edward turns around and gives him a half smile, he nods at Jane, Charlie's nurse.

I wait for Edward to go into doctor mode, to tell me its okay.

He does, but the look on his face is one that says nothing will be okay again.

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