Chapter 8

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Rose finds me at the bar after everyone sends Angela and Ben off on their honeymoon.

I watched from a distance as they said goodbye; watching Edward smile and laugh with his friends.

At least I know he's capable of being happy without me.

I down another shot, and almost fall off the stool when Rose playfully pushes me.

"That bad?" She still looks mischievous, but I'm wasted so who knows.

"He asked if we could talk, Rose."

She gives me a look, "Well, maybe you should talk to him. You can put every single one of us out of our misery."

"Can I tell you something?" I say, both of her heads nodding.

I spent years denying it, telling myself that it was his fault, but then it hits me like a freight train.

"I never should have let him leave me."

My ears ring, and everything goes black.

His hands are everywhere. He's pulling my dress off, throwing it over his shoulders.

His lips are following. My collarbone. My breasts. His teeth seem to follow and he leaves a trail of heat wherever he touches me.

"Jesus." I moan as he sucks a nipple into his mouth.

My hands don't work fast enough, yanking at the stupid scrub shirt that I've grown to hate. His pants follow and when he lifts me up and brings me to the bed, I don't let him waste time.

We may not be able to talk like we should, but we know how to do this.

He tells me everything he wants me to know with his body, and while he gives it, I try to give it back to him.

In the morning, he brings me coffee and calls in.

"I just need a day." I hear him say into the phone. He gives me a smile, and when he hangs up, he throws his phone over his shoulders.

I watch him in the morning light, and I can't believe he's mine.

I take his picture, I laugh when he blows a kiss at me. My phone goes off with it still in my hand and he laughs when he tickles me.

The screen reads Emmett's name.

I press answer, and his words change everything.

"Bella, It's Charlie."

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