The Metropolis Story... Part V

Start from the beginning

"That was decent of you, Karl..." William nodded. "I'd heard Angel's version and he'd given you fair praise but it was a risk to take her on like that..."

"I knew the story, somewhat. And all I did was help her settle in here and keep an eye on her..." Kolchak shrugged. "I kinda like a chance to help one of you escape, instead of always having to croak you and hope Heaven awaits. And she'd suffered enough, God knows."

"Enough for several lifetimes, yeah. Are you sure she can handle this? London's sure to stir up old, bad memories. Not to mention encounters with the Council, people she's met as Dru."

"She has to face it all someday, kiddo. Besides, we've briefed your friend, the Chairman, and he's promised to alert everyone there. If something happens, well...You and I will be there to get her through."

"My friend...Lets hope he doesn't plan to use her for some kind of experimentation on the long-term effects of vampiral possession. Or to see if his Slayers can be made to kill formerly Undead types who seem fully restored to humanity. A bit of field testing..."

"They play rough, eh?"

"Self-appointed Guardians of Humanity...And they like to keep it that way. Still, Giles is a good enough egg, concerned about his girls almost as much as the Greater Good and all that. A lot of them treat the lassies as utterly expendable, so it's some improvement."

"Tough life, if so...The ladies, I mean."

"The worst imaginable...One I would not wish on anyone, much as I honor them." Will noted. "The only release being death. As graphically illustrated in the case of our girl Brigitte. Death and peace, if they're lucky...Eternal Undead horror if not."

"But she did better..." Karl eyed him. "And your friend, Ms. Summers, seems to be doing better."

"At a price, far as the lady of our interest is concerned. And what that price might have been is really what the heart of this story is, I think." William pondered. "Which is why we have to see what the archives hold to begin this..."

Kolchak nodded...But noting the clear desire to avoid further conversation on the living Slayer did not pursue that line, despite his instinctive desire to glean all the details of a good tale.

"Well, we won't be spending much time with them in any case. Just poke through whatever they've got on our German lady and then...Berlin, I guess, eh?"

"Best place, to start..." Will nodded. "And of course we should check out any family remaining, there's some in Switzerland."

"She died, to be reborn free. Not a bad angle, Walthrop..." Karl smiled.

"All depends on the price paid, Karl."

"Hey buddy...Ya wanna a dog?!" the vendor at the hot dog cart on the corner near the Planet Building, a middle-aged woman, bit hefty yet not unattractive at a glance, called to a Clark Kent just emerged from said building, glancing round.

Lois said she'd... "Uh, no, thanks..."

"I think ya could use one. Here..." she came over, holding out bun with frankfurter. "Pickles, mustard like you like..."


"Here, you idiot..." Lois' voice. "Just take the damned thing and come over to the cart..."

"You like...?" she switched voice and eyed him as he gingerly took the sandwich and managed a bite.

Hmmn...Actually, pretty... "Uh, very good, thanks." he nearly choking as she yanked at him.

"Come on..." she hissed.

He followed her over. She regarding him in his trademark suit and overcoat, hat, glasses...

"Are you going over to stake out INS like that?" she shook her head. "Why don't you just ask Will Walthrop to let you tag along as his comic relief sidekick?"

"Well..." he paused, a bit sheepish. "I figured we'd be in a cab, waiting..."

"He takes the subway. Like a good reporter." she frowned. "Haven't you learned anything about him?"

More than you know or I could risk telling you...he thought, frowning back a bit.

"I guess we should do something to conceal ourselves..."

"No...I should..." she corrected. "You've no hope of covering up that Hicksville image. You're the bait, I'm the hunting dog. But forget the cab, stick to foot power."

"But if you have this thing." he eyed the cart.

"I rented it. The owner will come along and I'll just be another customer or tourist, out for lunch. Ready to trail while he's occupied dodging his 'nemesis' shadow from Iowa."

"Lois...I don't want you going alone on this."

"Then don't lose him..." she smiled. "But my money's on him losing you in ten minutes, tops. Clark...Either I'm a reporter working with you in equal shares on this assignment or I do this solo. I'll keep in touch. And if you do your job I won't be alone."

He sighed...


"Five bucks..." she eyed him

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