Chapter 1

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       My life was supposed to be good. But it wasn't. I didn't have either parents in my life. I lived with my grandmother. But she was so good to me. She saved up money for me to go to college. So as soon i turned eighteen i went. For two years it was beautiful. 

        I stayed at home with my grandmother and helped take care of her. My mom died when i was young and she had no family so i was stuck with my dad's mom. But she was really the best. And then my dad got out of prison. So he came to live with us. I thought this would be a chance to get to know him but he didn't really put forth the effort like i had hoped he would.

     And then my grandmother suddenly died. It killed me!! But i wanted to make her proud of me. She worked so hard to send me to school. I was about to head out to class when my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Hi this is Collins college financial aid department. I was just calling to let you know that this semester's tuition hasn't been paid." She said. I laughed. Actually laughed because that was ridiculous. I always paid everything on time! I was very prompt.

           "There must be some mistake." I told the girl. "No mam, we tried to access the funds but it keeps telling me you have insufficient funds." The girl said. This time i didn't laugh. I started putting the pieces together. My dad hadn't been around for a few days. But before he disappeared he had started coming in with expensive gadgets. He claimed they were gifts from his new boss. Which i believed because why would a father lie to his only child?

             "If the payment isn't made in full, then i'm sorry. You will not be able to attend." She said. "Um thank you very much." I said. I grabbed the computer and went to my banks website to enter my information. My grandmother had access to the account because she was the one putting money in it. Now i saw to my shock and horror that the account said zero. How!?

           I decided to just call the bank. "Hello Crestfield how may we help you?" I explained about the school calling and seeing the zero balance. "What happened?" I asked. "Well it seems that Gloria Steinforth withdrew everything a few days ago." He said. "Do you want to tell me how a dead woman withdraws money!?" I said getting angry.

            "Well it looks like it was withdrawn on her behalf by her power of attorney David Steinforth." He said. "Why I!! She did not have a power of attorney!" How did he convince her to sign anything giving him access to her money. But i knew the answer to that. As more time went on my grandmother was starting to lose it. She couldn't remember things.

         To make matters worse you had to jump through hoops to get her name taken off the account. So i had zero dollars, other than the little bit of cash i had. I thanked him and hung up the phone. The next thing i had to do was go to the bank in person. I feel like i had wasted half of my morning already. But i suppose i wasn't going to be able to go back to school. I had two options. One quit school and work. Or two sell my grandmothers house and move onto campus while working part time.

           I couldn't sell my grandmothers house. My grandpa had built it with his bare hands, it was very important to her. So after i had opened a new account with the cash i had i went to school. I explained to them my situation. I was bummed i only had half a degree. The girl explained i could take out fanatical aid. But i don't know how i'd pay the money back. So i went home with no money, no degree and no job.

           I started looking for jobs online. Several looked promising. There was a knock on the door. What now? "Hi, oh there is someone here." Said a woman holding out a set of keys. "I was told to knock just in case." She said. "Um who are you?" I asked. "Oh, i'm the new owner of the house. It looks perfect." She said trying to sidestep me. "Um no i'm sorry, the house isn't for sale." I said.

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