Ch. 2 Dragon Training

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"You saw what?" I crossed my legs as I conversed with my dad. "It was like a nadder.... But.. Not a nadder.. I don't recall any dragons like it. It was green, and red and a little blue... and definitely a little smaller than a nadder.." He sat in front of me. "And the wings and the tail were definitely bigger than a nadders." He continued to glare at me. "And it's still on the island?" I nodded and sat up straight. "I struck its tail and it ran off. Might've broken it." He nodded, clearly satisfied. "I suspect that what you've caught is a Scuttleclaw. Quite a rare specimen too. They are usually small and weak, with small wings and a short tail." I smirked and stood up. "Then I shall find it."

I've been walking around the forest for ages. A sword and a bola in my hands. I slowed down my pace, frustrated that I couldn't find the beast. "Uagh!" I threw the sword off to somewhere. "A flightless dragon couldn't have gone far!" I went off to retrieve the sword. "But I, Y/n Carefree L/n The Third, cannot find it on an island!" I looked down, to pick up the sword, but it was gone. I suddenly heard some rustling somewhere so I readied my bola and started looking around, glaring at everything. I heard the bush rustle so I threw the bola.

"Ha! Yes!" I ran up the the bush and walked through it. "Yes, finally! I can't believe this dragon took this... long to find." I deadpanned. "Hiccup. What a way to reunite." I quickly got to untangling him. "Hey.. Who are you?" I gasped and finally managed to get back the bola, undamaged. "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear you just say that." I put out my hand for him to grab. "Y/n." He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up, and before I could even brush myself off he pulled me in a hug. "You're... you're here!"

I pulled away and glared at him smirking. "Yes yes.. But I've got work to do." I noticed that he had my sword so I snatched it from him and started walking away. "Uhh actually you might want to go this way." He ran up to me and blocked my way, pointing in the direction I arrived from. I tilted my head. ".. And why is that?" He started blabbering on about nothing being the way that I want to go. I had quite enough of his talk so I pushed him aside. "Yeah right.. You're a bad liar Hiccup, always have been." I was walking towards something that Hiccup didn't want me to find. 'I wonder what that is.' I snorted. 'Maybe a food stash.' Hiccup started walking next to me.

"Look, you really don't want to go this way. Trust me." I glared at him, but didn't stop walking. "Hiccup, whatever it is that you are hiding." I looked in front of me again. "I'm sure it's nothing..." I jumped over some fallen branches that were broken off. ".. Something was here, be on alert. Maybe the beast finally decided to show itself." I heard Hiccup gulp. "What are you talking about..? What beast, there's no beast.." I turned to him and deadpan. "A Scuttleclaw, and a big one too." I noticed a fallen broken tree so I cut through some bushes. I felt Hiccup pull me back. "Okay wait! Wait, wait... I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone!" I stop before I get through the bush. I sigh and turn towards him. "Okay Hiccup. Fine. But quickly please."

I sat down on some rock and I waited for Hiccup to start talking. He took a deep breath. "So... today, during the attack I hit a Night Fury. It fell down right here." My eyes were wide. I jumped up and held his shoulders. "Where is it." I asked or well... More of an order really. Hiccup looked scared for some reason. "Well you see it was down and I.. I... It's not here anymore." My eyes widened even more. ".. Did you let it go?" He clearly looked nervous. He gulped and looked up at me. "Maybe." I let out a shaky breath. "Look I'm sorry I just couldn't-" I put my hand up and he stopped talking. "Couldn't or wouldn't." It was quiet. For a few seconds there was nothing but my shaky breathing. "I.. Wouldn't.. And it spared my life.... I thought I was done for.." I took one final deep breath and stood up straight. "Okay. I won't tell anyone." I stood up and started walking off. "oh." As I was walking away, Hiccup shouted one last thing. "Thank you!" I chuckled. 'He's the craziest viking, ever.'

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