I need some rum

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recap: "Barbossa you lying bastard! You swore she'd go free!"  Will had obviously broken out of the cell and run up on deck "Don't dare impugn me honour, boy! I agreed she'd go free but it was you who failed to specify when or where." Barbossa smirked at the loophole he had found. The crew laughed.

Will was gagged and held back. "Though it does seem a shame to lose something so fine, don't it lads? So, I'll be havin' that dress back before you go." The pirates cackled, "How undignifying, first you kidnap her then you try to kill her, capture her and now you're going to make her undress in front of your entire filthy perverted crew before you maroon her? " I shouted trying to get out of the pirates' grip. "Aye, that be exactly what I'm doin'" I looked to the floor to give Elizabeth the smallest piece of privacy and when I saw Jack watching I hit my tied hands into his stomach. Making him look at me then at the floor. Barbossa cut her bonds so she could take off the dress. The crew whistled at her "If you keep whistling next time I see any one of you I will cut out your tounges!" I shouted so everyone could hear. I wouldn't cut out their youngest but they didn't know that. she threw the dress back at Barbossa "Goes with your black heart." she spat. Barbossa put the dress to his cheek "Ooh, it's still warm." he said throwing the dress to a crew member. They all laughed when I really didn't see anything funny pirates were chanting off you go and when she didn't go immediately Bo'sun said "Too long," hitting the plank. Elizabeth lost her balance and fell into the ocean"You know, Barbossa" I began as  I was being led up to the plank "I don't think your crew find you that funny, they only laugh because they don't want the consequences of not laughing. I can't tell what's worse, your beard or your fighting." It was working, my plan was to frustrate him as much as possible before I got off the plank. "You deserve every bit of the punishment you get from the curse, I lied your hat is horrible, get a better taste in clothing and take a bath, you slimy bastard!" perfect, I had exactly the effect I wanted. I then flipped off the plank and into the ocean, swimming to the bottom to retrieve my dagger that he threw overboard before me. I reached the surface gasping for air. I heard a small splash next to me and saw it was a pistol in a holster (I think that's what it's called). I swam down to get it using quite a bit of my strength. I reached them, pushing up off the ocean floor towards the surface. I got to the surface and tried to breathe in, I had no time to because something, landed on top of me. I inhaled a lung full of salty water. I had to cough it out but I couldn't still underwater. I needed to get to the surface, it was harder having the dagger and pistol in my hands. I was disorientated from the hit and lack of oxygen so I tried to swim where I thought up was. Suddenly, a strong hand grabbed my ankle I screamed as I was pulled away. A sudden pain went through my head then it went black. 


"WAKE UP!" I heard someone screech, "5 more minutes," I moaned (SHUT YOUR DIRTY MINDS DOWN) "You're awake! Jack, come here now, she woke up!" at first it sounded distant but it got louder. I was soaked to the skin, cold and so hungry. "I'm starving, anyone got any food?" I asked trying to sit up, I opened my eyes and a pounding ache started in the front of my head behind my eyes. "Take it easy," I realised who it was, it was Elizabeth, "Sam, are you alright?" I heard a man say, I rolled the name around in my head jack, jack, who was he?  "Jack?" I said, "yes Luv?" Ohhhh the pirate now I remember. I was going to mess with him though "I don't know a Jack."I saw his face fall, he looked slightly hurt. I felt a little bad but I kept going for a little longer "I'm Captain Jack Sparrow," he declared "Nope never heard of 'im" I said looking up at him which, I must admit, hurt a bit because of the concussion. The look on his face was priceless! I couldn't stop myself from laughing. I laughed falling back and rolling over. Jack's expression went from confusion to anger to slight wonder then his signature smirk. I stood up feeling a bit dizzy as I adjusted. "What happened?" I could only remember the pistol in the water and diving down to get it. "When you, so heroically may I add, swam down to get my pistol and resurfaced, I was made to walk the plank because of some old prejudice." Jack was rambling "You are rambling, I don't have all day" I complained putting a hand to my head. "I'm gettin' there, Luv, I jumped off and landed on you just as you needed to breathe. you inhaled a lung full of water, tried to cough, tried to swim DOWN then when I grabbed your ankle, heroically, of course, to bring you to the surface. You screamed, earning you more water in the lungs and hit your head on a rock." he finished looking rather proud he could remember it all. I just sat there, I didn't know what to say. A memory flashed through my head, I needed to slap him, it would come to me later why but I needed to. I got up and started walking towards Jack. "You son of a BITCH. YOU MASCARA SMITTEN BLOODY PIRATE!" I shouted and slapped him. he started to back away, fear flashed through his eyes. "JACK" I punctuated each word with a slap. "SPARROW" slap "YOU" slap "BLOODY" slap "IMBECILE" slap "you are going to need to stop slapping me Luv for I have done nothing wrong. I don't deserve any of it after I have just had to watch that man sail away with my ship for a second time." he put his hands up as a signal of surrender. "YOU GOT US ALL CAUGHT" I screamed in his face. "Technically-" he started but I interrupted him "YOU ARSE" I grabbed my dagger "Sam!" Elizabeth shouted. I realised what I was doing. he had saved my life and I was trying to take his. I put the dagger away storming off saying " I need some rum," I really am turning into a pirate. 

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