Apparently, there is a leak

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"How the blazes did you get off that island?" It was Barbossa. The pirate captain so evil hell itself spat him back out. Jack just casually leaned on the oar smirking "When you marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate." Barbossa looked confused at this "I'm Captain Jack Sparrow." I rolled my eyes and Jack's response. "Ah. Well, I won't be makin' that mistake again." he said while approaching me and Jack."Gents, you all remember Captain Jack Sparrow" Barbossa slightly teased. "Aye," responded most of the pirates. "Kill him." He commanded. I stepped in front of Jack and I heard him sigh at my slight stupidity. "Hang on a minute, Barbossa is it? I should have read about you somewhere but apparently, you aren't that well know. must not be a very good pirate then. Anyway, I was wondering what are you going to do with me. Since I seem invisible to you all." Every pirate in the cave looked at me. Barbossa stopped walking away and turned around "Awwww did I hit a nerve?" I joked laughing. I could hear crew members trying to cover their laughs with coughs. I was having exactly the effect I wanted to. " I would love to keep chatting but I don't have all day so down to business," Barbossa smirked at me and said," what business would that be missy?" I decided to use nice long words " I intend to accommodate the estrangement in relation to one Captain Jack Sparrow and inquire our own selves withdrawal candidly." I finished rather impressed with myself that I had been able to think of the words on the spot. Barbossa looked rather confused. "Do you not know what it means? Okay, I think I can speak a bit of moron I make no promises though. I want you to stop trying to kill Jack and let us go free," Barbossa looked enraged. I smirked I had done exactly as I wanted. Annoy him out of his mind. "I see no benefit for me, missy." He walked up to me "The girl's blood didn't work, did it? We know who's blood you need. Also, nice hat." I quickly added. 

''''''''''''''''''Time skip brought to you by Ragetti chasing his eye ''''''''''''''''

Jack and I Stood in the captain's cabin debating with Barbossa "Sam love, when are you going to start talking like one of us, you are a pirate at this point lass." Jack asked ignoring Barbossa completely " I will never talk like a Pirate. I might act like one but I will never talk like one." I firmly replied. "So you expect to leave me on some beach with nothing but a name and your word it's the one I need and watch you sail away in my ship?" Barbossa concluded. The monkey was sitting on a perch so I got up and walked over to start stroking him. Jack and Barbossa looked at me as if I was mad "what?" I spat they said nothing and turned back to face each other again. "No. I expect to leave you on some beach with no name at all, watching me sail away on my ship, and then ill shout the name back to you. Savvy?" Jack put extra emphasis on the 'my' part. " That still leaves me on some beach with nought but a name and your word it's the one I need." he finished. Jack stood up and selected an apple out of the bowl, throwing one to me as well. I nodded in thanks before he carried on talking. he put his feet on the table as we sat down."Of the two of us, I am the only one who hasn't committed mutiny. Therefore, my word is the one we'll be trusting. Although, I suppose I should be thanking you, because, in fact, if you hadn't betrayed me and left me to die, I would have an equal share in that curse, same as you. " Jack paused to have a bite of the apple before saying "Funny ol' world, innit?" Barbossa only responded with a small smile and "hmmm." Jack offered his apple to Barbossa before a tall dark-skinned man walked in. "captain. we're coming up on the interceptor." he had a very deep voice. "thank ye, Bo'sun." Barbossa responded as he stood up. The monkey scuttled away making a very high screeching noise. We followed Barbossa outside onto the main deck, I looked over the railing as did Jack but I stayed there. I could hear Jack trying to convince Barbossa to let us onto the interceptor" I'm having a thought here Barbossa. What say we run up a flag of truce, me and Sam scurry over to the interceptor and we negotiate the return of your medallion? Ay? What say you to that?" Barbossa lowered his telescope before talking "Now you see Jack. That's exactly the attitude that lost you the pearl. People are easy to search when they are dead." I ran up the steps to Barbossa and Jack "You can't kill them all that's evil!" I protested. How could Barbossa be so, so, evil? Barbossa turned to Bo'sun "lock 'em in the brig," he commanded. Bo'sun grabbed me and Jacks's arms roughly, "I can walk by myself thank you very much." I said pulling my arm out of his grip, I crossed my arms and marched off to the brig. I walked into the cell and turned around towards the front of the cell. Bo'sun threw Jack into me and toppled me over. "oof," I muttered as Jack kneed me in the stomach falling as well. "Get up Sparrow," I  said trying to push him off me. "Apparently, there's a leak," He said to Bo'sun "How many times, it's Jack or Jackie if you must." He said turning to me. I walked over to the small hole and peered out of it. I saw barrels floating in the water I only moved away when salty water splashed in my eye " ah" I hissed rubbing it I got a smirk back from Jack. " They are trying to lose weight so they are faster," I said to Jack as he went to look out of the hole.

A/N: Heyy guys galls and non-binary palls I hope you are all okay. I promise you there will be a fight in the next chapter :) I am sorry about my horrible spelling in the past few chapters but it should be okay from now on keep reading savvy?

Z x 

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