" You're such a worrywart. You worry too much about me. "

Josuke blushed and looked away from you. You both walked into the center of town, and you crossed the walkway to get to the center. You stopped walking when you saw Josuke crouch down by the fountain.

   " Josuke? "

   " Y/n, today I'm going to do it. "

   " Do what? "

You walked back over to Josuke's side and saw him crouching by a turtle. The turtle was relaxing on the fountain edge where a person would normally sit. 

   " I'm going to conqour my fear of turtles. "

   " Okay? "

You watched as he placed his hand above the turtle shell only to move his hand away and tremble a little. Multiple times he tried touching the turtle, but he didn't get any closer than the first time. You took a seat on the fountain side, ready to wait a while for him to finally touch the turtle.

   " Josuke how long is it going to take for you to just touch a turtle? "

   " I'm trying okay!? "

   " Just touch its shell. The shell can't harm you if you just lightly tap it."

Josuke went to touch the shell, but his hand was trembling over it.

   " What do you think you're doing dick face!? "

   " Who do you think you are!? "

Josuke turned towards the noise, and you looked up to see four seniors walking towards you both. You remained seated, not saying a word while Josuke remained crouched on the ground. You instinctively pulled his book bag towards you and put it behind your legs.

   " Well, if you really must know, it seems this little turtle I've found just woke up from hibernation. But turtles give me the willies. It takes all my courage to touch their shells. So, I thought today would be a good day to conqour my fear-"

   " Buddy does it look like I give a shit!? "

   " Stand up you weirdo! "

   " Hey, don't talk to him like that! "I shouted. 

The four seniors looked over at me and rolled their eyes. One grabbed my shirt and pulled me from my sitting position.

   " And who are you to talk to your seniors like that? It's very direspectful! "

   " Oh really? Well, you're being pretty disrespectful to me by showing up with your ugly face. Now let go of me! "

   " Huh? What did you say you bi-"

   " Y/n, I'll take care of it. " Josuke said, standing up from the ground. 

When he stood up, he was the same height as the seniors, and he was slightly glaring at them. The one who held my shirt didn't let go of my shirt, but his attention was directed towards Josuke.

   " Well now, you've got some height for such a pathetic freshman. But here's the deal, you can dress as a pompous freak if you want to but first you've got to pay respects to us got it!? " The man with only two front teeth said, picking up the turtle and holding it in front of Josuke.

I could see Josuke put his hands up and start to sweat a little bit at the turtle being raised towards his face. The turtle, on the other hand, didn't look to be in any pain from the man's grip on the shell, but it flailed around like it wanted to be put back on the ground. 

I Will Protect You (Josuke x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now