She takes her phone out dialing the first ever person that understood her at times like this.

At this moment, Soojin isn't gonna accept anyone for now.


It's been a days since the housewarming party but Shuhua was still thinking about what happened that night.

Shuhua feels like she have done something wrong. She haven't got any news about Soojin. It was like they are moving in the same place but her eyes couldn't catch even a glimpse of the older one.

"Here." Shuhua looks up and saw Ryujin with a can of soda. "Thank you." Shuhua said as the blonde girl sits with her.

She could say that Ryujin was by far have been a very good friend and there is no way that she's gonna leap forward other than that because in the first place she wasn't really ready for anything romantically.

Even the others didn't know where Soojin is staying right now though the cherry girl have been attending classes normally but all of them seems to be shut down by Soojin for now.

They weren't mad but instead they were worried.

As much as they want to go and comfort the girl to whatever is going on, they still respect what Soojin wanted and it is clearly space.

Space from everything.

Shuhua was distracted to the point that she have forgotten about the blonde girl that she's with.

"How's your day?" Soojin smiles before hugging her mother. "Nothing special mom." Soojin may came out as a cold person to others but she's the warmest person that you'll ever meet. "Is Yejin home already?" Mrs. Seo shook her head.

"Not yet, she has practice today for their school play and your dad will be picking her up by 5:30 pm." Soojin nodded, flopping down their couch. Her mind flying somewhere else again. She feels bad that she's pushing her friends away and it's been days also.

Her phone would ring every hour, messages flooded her inbox. Hui's been texting her, calling her but she haven't responded to any of those.

She was trying to sort out her thoughts and trying to make a decision of what is right. "You don't have to choose between them. You just gotta do the right decision." Her mom sat down beside her holding a plate of cookies.

Her feelings for Shuhua are growing but she doesn't have any plan on getting together with the younger well not now and that's for sure. But being together with Hui in a romantic relationship is very wrong when her heart is beating for someone else, yelling for someone else.

It's unfair.

"Are you not coming with us?" Minnie asks their youngest who was actually keeping herself busy. The gang planned to have a group dinner but it seems like Shuhua won't be joining them.

Shuhua removed her gaze away from her laptop. "Sorry unnie." Minnie nodded her head. "Just don't skip dinner, give me a call if you want something to eat." Minnie noticed how Shuhua became timid with them once again.

Shuhua decided to keep herself busy with doing some paper works. Her mind has been occupied by the thought of how Soojin walked away from her that night. Those eyes that confused her.

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