Chapter 8

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Soyeon stopped walking, her eyes squinted. She's 101% sure that it is Shuhua. "Yeon let's go back." Soojin was behind Soyeon. Soojin actually forgot to buy something so she insisted to go back to the convenience store alone.

Soyeon qas contemplating whether she should tell Soojin that she just saw Shuhua. She thinks that there is no harm in telling Soojin and besides it's not like they are digging into Shuhua's personal space.

But before Soyeon can even inform Soojin the latter has actually caught a glimpse of Shuhua already at the very same playground where they used to meet each other every other day that they can. She took in a deep breath and started fiddling with her fingers.

"You're nervous." Soyeon pointed out as her gaze was on Soojin's fingers. She have known Soojin since they were kids so this habit of Soojin is something that she always have in mind when she brings Soojin to meet other people.

Soyeon held Soojin's hand causing for the latter to stop fiddling with her fingers. "Hey talk to me." Soyeon softly said while rubbing Soojin's hands together. Soyeon will never ever be wrong at those hidden emotions laid beneath Soojin's long term facade.

"Let's go back." Soojin said almost a whisper for Soyeon, she gave the girl's hand a squeeze.

"Where's your mother?" Shuhua asks with the little girl on her back. "Probably in our house by now, I just sneaked out from my tutor." Shuhua giggled as she can picture herself doing the same thing before.

"I know that your mom is worried about you so let me take you home. Remember what we talked about earlier. Don't ever hate your mom. From what I hear in your stories she seems to be a very good mom towards you it's just that you're a stubborn girl. So be good." If Shuhua and her younger brother could get along maybe they can be like this.

Playing around and teasing each other like what normal siblings are.

"Oh no." The little girl whispers which caught Shuhua's attention. "Why? Is there something wrong?" Shuhua tilted her head asking the girl with worry in her eyes. Shuhua is very fond being around children maybe because she really didn't got to experience being a normal child like.

"Shin!" Shuhua faced in front and saw a woman in her 30's if she guessed it right. Shuhua crouched down letting the girl to carefully get off from her back. The woman immediately hugged the kid that Shuhua was with. "We've been looking for you. Don't you ever runaway from home. I don't want to lose you." Shuhua's gaze soften at the interaction of the two feeling quite envy that she didn't got to experience such case.

"Don't worry mommy I won't runaway again. This is ShuShu unnie my new friend." Shin pulled Shuhua's hand. "I guess my daughter made you stay with her." The woman chuckled as she picks up Shin in her arms.

"Anyway thank you for not leaving my daughter but we have to go." The woman added. "Welcome and I just want to say that you have a very strong daughter ma'am." Shuhua said with a smile.

Shin waved her hand in the air as Shuhua did the same. Shuhua starts to wonder what could Soojin be doing at this time. She practically left the older inside their room alone. She huffed out a sigh as she walks back to the playground. She doesn't have any plans on going back at this time.

Maybe a whole hour stay then she'll come back but for now she rather manages her own before letting herself get involve with others.

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