🔪 Aki |Say You Love Me

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Yandere Aki x Female Reader
Requested by makima______

"Hey, where ya going?" Denji turned his head slightly to look at Aki behind him, who opened the door moments ago.
"I'm going for a walk," he replied and took a step forward, stopping when Denji said "I heard you and Y/N broke up. I hope you're good. You don't seem...sad."
A sigh slipped past his lips.
"We didn't break up."
"Really? I haven't seen her here in weeks."

"We didn't break up," he repeated and left the apartment.
"Hmm. I don't think so," Denji muttered and returned to watching TV with Power sleeping soundly next to him.

* * *

Little light entered the room when the door opened, closing quietly once Aki entered the bedroom. He turned on the lamp and stood before you with a displeased expression. "You're not sleeping? I made sure to lengthen the ropes for you to roll over, so why haven't you slept?" He sat on the edge of the bed and caressed the side of your face. You stared at him blankly with your dull gaze, never faltering when he peeled the duct tape from your mouth.
It stung.
Upon seeing your woozy state, he laid next to you on his side and ran his hand up and down your side. "Was the drug too powerful? You must be out of it. No wonder your body keeps swaying. Sorry, I thought it would wear off by now."
Your gaze finally landed on him, your vision still blurry from the drug he gave you in the form of a shot.
"Are you...trying to hurt me?" He looked down at your hands that were planted on his forearms, feebly gripping them. He sighed and tilted your head up to kiss your forehead.

"You need to understand that I'm doing this to protect you. I don't want the Gun Devil to kill you if it appears again," he said softly.
A tear rolled down your face, still unable to form words yet.

"If that's how it is, then I'll inject you with another drug. This time, it'll be more powerful," he sighed. "Why don't you ever think of me? You only think of yourself. Instead of understanding my fear of losing you, you refused to accept my help." He sighed again.

He's trying to make you feel guilty.

He thinks it's the only way you'd reciprocate his feelings again.
There's only been a few times where you tried giving him affection, but he knew your intent and that your affection was empty. Unnervingly and calmly, he'd stand up and tighten your restraints before leaving you alone in the cold room, not after duct-taping your mouth regardless of whether you attempted to kick at him or struggle. Exhaustion and wooziness wouldn't assert your victory. Fighting and struggling wouldn't owe you any food or water for a day, too.
Aki wants your love but he wants it to be genuine. He wants you to know that what he's doing is "good" for both of you.

"Yeah, I understand," you finally say, your voice raspy from the lack of water. He perks up at your voice.
"Ah, your voice is refreshing to hear. Though...I'd like to hear it without the rasp." He sat up without tearing his eyes off you. "You understand why I'm doing this? So you know that I want you to stay safe here? That makes me happy. You deserve food and water."

You felt the tension leave from your body at the thought of it. Before you can open your mouth to see if you could let out more of what he wants to hear to get more, his voice made you snap your mouth shut.

"First, you have to say you love me."

Never in a million years will you say that to the person who swore he loves you but locked you behind doors.
"Y/N, I'm waiting," he said impatiently.

Giving in, you feigned a sweet smile.
"I love you, Aki."
He hummed in response with a small smile. "I love you too, sweetheart."

He leaned over you and enveloped you in a warm embrace. The heat radiating from him felt like spring against your cold, shivering skin.
"But..." His voice trailed off as his smile vanished.
Something sharp pricked your leg as he languidly pulled away until he pressed his forehead against yours. Your eyes wandered to the needle jabbed into your thigh, your vision threatening to obscure once he added pressure to the plunger, injecting a liquid into you.

"If only that was genuine...I'll have to wait longer until you accept me again." Your feeble attempts at clawing at him only made him upset. "No food and water for you today, my love," he said in a soft tone.

Your muscles, now weakened, fell to your sides as the drug kicked in. Aki wasn't kidding when he threatened to use a strong one on you. The lights turned off and the door shut as Aki left. Tears dwelled in your eyes while you let out a choked sob.

Where did things go all wrong?

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