A Month Before School

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You look in the mirror and you hate how you look.

You're 140 lbs and everyone at school used to bully you for being so fat

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You're 140 lbs and everyone at school used to bully you for being so fat. But now it's summer and you can finally lose weight before school and look like a whole new person when you get back to school.

"Y/n! Dinner's ready!", Calls your mom from the kitchen.

"Coming, mom!", You tell back.

You go down stairs and while your mom watching some dishes you throw away most of your dinner.

"How did you finish your dinner that fast?", Your mom chuckles.

"I guess I'm just a little hungry haha", you say.

After you put your dish in the sink you go up to your room to make a weight loss plan because you want to be 100 lbs when school starts.

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It's been a couple of weeks and you have lost 15 lbs!! You're so proud of yourself but you can still see the fat spilling out of your jeans. You're 125 lbs now and you only have a month of summer left to lose 25 lbs.

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Weeks pass by and you lose 15 lbs. You're 110 now and all you have to do it lose 10 lbs in a week!! You're so proud when you look in the mirror and you imagine what others will think when they see you this skinny.

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Two weeks pass by of extreme hard work to lose weight and you jump on the scale and you're finally 100 lbs. You feels so light and your fat doesn't spill from you're jeans anymore. You're proud, the first day of school is tomorrow and you can't wait to see the look on people's faces when they see you're beauty.

 You're proud, the first day of school is tomorrow and you can't wait to see the look on people's faces when they see you're beauty

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