Lucy I'm home. Woah!

Start from the beginning

"I'll see you later Bee. Love you." He says. "Love you too Broccoli." I smile knowing he hates the nickname I gave him when I was younger.

I start to clean up the stove when he leaves the kitchen. As I'm cleaning up I get a message from Sophia letting me know Zack and her will come over in and hour.

After I finish cleaning the kitchen I walk over to the living room. I turn on the tv and start to watch  Riverdale on Netflix. "Little B!" Cooper calls out as he walks into the house.

"In the living room." I call back. He walks over and sits down next to me. "You're not watching The Vampire Diaries without me are you?" He asks.

"Nope. Im catching up on Riverdale." I say looking at him. "Nick, Troy, Oliver and I are going out do you want to come with?" He asks. "I can't Zack and Sophia are coming over." I tell him.

"Okay well we're picking up dinner so I'll text you where we're going later." He says getting up. "Okay." I smile nodding. All the guys walk into the house when Cooper calls them and they leave.

A few minutes after they leave Bryce walks down the stairs. "Okay I'm leaving if you need anything..." he says walking down the stairs.

"I know, call you right away." I say looking at him. He chuckles softly kissing the top of my head. "Bye Bee." He says grabbing his keys. "Bye. Tell Riley I said hi." I tell him. He nods and walks out of the house.

I lay down on the couch getting comfortable as I watch the show. I look at the time and see that there's still 20 minutes until Zack and Sophia get here.

I'm so focused on the tv show that I don't notice Josh walk past the living room and into the kitchen. A couple seconds later he walks over to the living room. He jumps over the couch landing on top of me.

"Hey." I say looking at him. "Hi." He smiles. "No hey as in hey get off me your heavy." I say looking at him. He chuckles and looks down at himself.

"I'm not that heavy." He says faking a pout. I chuckle softly nodding. "Yes you are." "Am I heavy or am I just making you nervous?" He asks smirking.

I scoff  rolling my eyes. "I'm not nervous at all." I say. He raises an eyebrow looking up at me since he's laying on my stomach. "Oh really?" He asks.

He lifts himself up and moves up closer to my face. "Are you sure?" He asks using his arms to hold up some of his weight. I look down at him and lay back completely so we're not that close.

"You seem to be nervous." He says leaning down trying to get closer. "Stop that." I say looking up at him. "Stop what." He asks looking down at me.

I swallow hard as I see how close we are again. "Josh im serious." I tell him. "Brooklyn I'm serious too." He says his smirk getting bigger as he leans down even more.

"We're home alone and no one is around we don't need to act like we're dating." I tell him. "Oh we're home alone? Even better." He teases.

"Brooklyn im trying to make you fall for me even if people aren't around and we're alone I'm still trying giving it all I got. My charm will be on 24/7 babe." He says.

"And based off the kiss I gave you earlier this will be a piece of cake." He says looking me in the eyes.

"If you think that kiss you gave me earlier had any type of affect on me then you're wrong." I say looking at him.

He chuckles softly shaking his head. "Brooklyn you were blushing when you pushed me back. You say you didn't feel anything when I kissed you earlier and your not nervous now but your body language says something different." He says.

"Josh whatever you do has no affect on me no matter what it is." I tell him. "How sure of that are you?" He asks me raising an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure about it." I say softly.

"If you're so sure about it then kiss me." He says. "I'm not going to kiss you." I shake my head. "Why not? There shouldn't be a problem with you kissing me if you don't feel anything." He says.

"Josh I'm not going to kiss you just to prove something your mind came up with." I shrug. "Well then I'll do it." He says smirking while looking down at me. "No you're not." I shake my head placing my hand on his chest.

"Watch me." He  leans down. "Fine." I say stopping him from getting even closer. He stops leaning and glances down at my lips. I scoff rolling my eyes as I sit up slightly.

I look down at his lips as I start to lean in. I look away from his lips looking at him in the eyes as I lean in just inches away from him. I lean in until our lips are just centimeters away then turn my head slightly.

"I'm not kissing you." I whisper in his ear then pull away smirking. He looks at me shocked for a couple of seconds but then quickly shakes it off. "Well played." He  smiles.

"But you're still not off the hook Brooklyn." He says. I look at him raising an eyebrow in confusion. Without any warning he leans in placing his lips on mine. He pushes me down as he kisses me not breaking the kiss.

Instead of pulling away this time I decide to kiss him back. I feel him smirk into the kiss and I roll my eyes slightly. He tries deepening the kiss by licking my lower lip.

I hear him growl lowly when I don't give let him deepen the kiss and smirk. I feel his hands wrap around my waist and I gasp softly as he pulls me closer to him.

He takes the chance as I gasp and slides his tongue into my mouth deepening the kiss. The kiss quickly leads to us making out. Josh chuckles when he gets what he wants and starts to intensify the kiss even more.

My focus is on Josh's lips so I don't hear a car pull into the driveway. "Lucy I'm home. Woah!" Zack says walking into the house since the front door was open.

"What? Oh." Sophia asks walking in and stands next to him. I quickly push Josh off of me causing him to fall from the couch. I jump up from the couch and look over at my best friend and cousin.

"Did we miss an episode or something?" Sophia asks looking at Josh as he stands up from the floor. "More like a whole season. What did we just walk into? And should we leave and come back later?" Zack asks also looking between Josh and I.

"No. I...Uh....We..." I stutter out. "Josh and I are dating. Well fake dating actually." I look at Josh who is clearly finding it amusing that I'm nervous. "Guys sit down and we will explain everything" Josh says.

Both Zack and Sophia walk into the living room and sit down on the loveseat across the couch. Josh and I sit down on the couch and start to explain what we are doing. We leave out the bet part out again and just tell them about the revenge plan.

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