Chapter 29 ~ Jealousy

Start from the beginning

Lestrade is standing at the entrance to the kitchen holding a wine glass, and John walks across the room with a cup and saucer in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other.

As Sherlock finishes the tune with a fancy flourish, Lestrade whistles in appreciation.

"Lovely! Sherlock, that was lovely!" Mrs. Hudson cheered, as Easton walked in.

Sherlock sketches a small bow to his audience. Mrs Hudson, apparently a little bit squiffy, giggles up at him. Easton couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, a small smile appears on his face.

"I wish you could have worn the antlers!" Mrs Hudson said.

"Some things are best left to the imagination, Mrs Hudson." Sherlock replies. Easton chuckles, and drinks his alchohol.

Molly Hooper walks in, now arriveing to the small party. She was fully dressed  smiling shyly and carrying two bags which appear to be full of presents.

"Hello, everyone. Sorry, I'm a little late." She said Everyone greets her cheerfully. Sherlock simply rolls his eyes, Easton noticed quickly.

"Oh, everybody’s saying hdllo to each other. How wonderful." Sherlock mutterdd.

Smiling at him nervously, Molly starts to take her coat and scarf off. Lestrade gawps in similar appreciation as Molly reveals that she’s wearing a very attractive black dress.

"Having a Christmas drinks, then?" Molly asked, smiling. Easton could tell that Molly only wanted to get Sherlock's attention, even though Sherlock acted like he wasn't interested, but Easton could see that Sherlock was..

Easton felt a little bit jealous, he starred down at his glass.

"It’s the one day of the year where the boys have to be nice to me, so it’s almost worth it!" Mrs. Hudson said.

Molly giggles nervously, her eyes still fixed on Sherlock as he starts typing on John’s laptop. John brings a chair over for her.

"Have a seat." John says.

"John?" Sherlock said, John hummed and goes over to see what Sherlock is looking at. Lestrade touches Molly’s arm to get her attention.

"Molly? Want a drink?" He asks, politey. As she accepts his offer, John leans over Sherlock’s shoulder to look at the screen.

After they whispered to each other, Easton just watched while leaned uo against the door frame that is closest to the fire. Sherlock continues looking at the laptop as John walks away. Molly turns to Mrs Hudson.

"How’s the hip?" She asks.

"Ooh, it’s atrocious, but thanks for asking."

"I’ve seen much worse, but then I do post-mortems."

An awkward silence falls. Molly looks embarrassed.

"Oh, God. Sorry." Lestrade than hands her a glass of red wine, "Thank you. I wasn’t expecting to see you. I thought you were gonna be in Dorset for Christmas."

"That’s first thing in the morning, me and the wife. We’re back together. It’s all sorted." Lestrade said, grinning.

"No, she’s sleeping with a P.E. teacher." Sherlock blurted out.

Lestrade’s smile becomes rather fixed. Molly turns to John who is sitting on the arm of his armchair. Jeanette is sitting in the chair itself.

"And John. I hear you’re off to your sister’s, is that right?" Molly asked.

"Yeah." Replied John.

"Sherlock was complaining."Sherlock raises his eyebrows indignantly. Molly corrects herself. "... Saying."

Nearby, Lestrade has been running Sherlock’s comment through his mind, and his face slowly becomes a picture of exasperation when he seems to realise that it’s probably true. (Lol poor Lestrade XD)

"I see you’ve got a new boyfriend, Molly, and you’re serious about him." Sherlock says to the shy girl.

"Sorry, what?" Molly questions.

"In fact, you’re seeing him this very night and giving him a gift."

Lestrade takes a glass across to the table and putting it down near Sherlock, "Shut up and have a drink." Lestrade says.

"Oh, come on. Surely you’ve all seen the present at the top of the bag, perfectly wrapped with a bow. All the others are slapdash at best." Sherlock says. Easton coughs awkwardly, drinking the rest of what he has in his glass.

Sherlock stands up and walks towards Molly, looking at the other presents which aren’t so carefully wrapped.

"It’s for someone special, then."

He picks up the well-wrapped present, looking at the colour of the paper.

"The shade of red echoes her lipstick, either an unconscious association or one that she’s deliberately trying to encourage. Either way, Miss Hooper has lurrrve on her mind. The fact that she’s serious about him is clear from the fact she’s giving him a gift at all."

John looks anxiously at Molly as she squirms in front of Sherlock, Easton clears his throat, "Holmes--" He starts but Sherlock continues..

"That would suggest long-term hopes, however forlorn; and that she’s seeing him tonight is evident from her make-up and what she’s wearing."

Smiling smugly across to John and Jeanette, he starts to turn over the gift tag attached to the present.

"Obviously trying to compensate for the size of her mouth and breasts.." He trails off as he looks down at the writing on the tag. Written in red ink, the greeting reads..

"Dearest, Sherlock

Love Molly xxx"

Sherlock gazes at the words in shock when he realises the terrible thing that he has just done. Molly gasps quietly.

"You always say such horrible things. Every time. Always. Always." She says, as she fights back tears, Sherlock turns to walk away.. but then stops and turns back to her.

"I am sorry. Forgive me." He says.

John looks up, startled and amazed at such a human reaction from his friend. Sherlock steps closer to Molly. Easton's heart winces.

Sherlock then says softly, "Merry Christmas, Molly Hooper." He leans forward and gently kisses her on the cheek. Easton's heart ached, jealousy ran through him. But he calmly stepped away and into the kitchen. The 'sweet' and 'beautiful' moment, is instantly ruined by the sound of an orgasmic sigh. Molly gasps in shock.

"No! That wasn’t.. I – I didn’t..." Molly stuttered.

"No, it was me." Sherlock says, Easton was listening from the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey that was half way drinken. He was thinking on pouring it in his glass but he shrugged.. Taking the whole bottle.

"My God, really?!" Lestrade asked, cringes.

"What?!" Molly said in shock

"My phone." Sherlock says, Easton walks into his room and silently closes the door, locking it.

He sat on his floor, chugging a little of his drink. He then flopped on his back, staring at his ceiling with a blank but painful expression.

Easton knows about his feelings on Sherlock, but never knew that he was completely in love! It was wrong of him to, he was scarred of falling in love again after Isaac.

Easton began to breathe heavily, his mouth opened, tears end up falling out like a waterfall. Easton silently sobbed through his anxiety attack.

He hated the way Sherlock made him feel, he made him feel all these mixed emotions! God he loved that damn sociopath.

~Sherlock's Roommate~ (Sherlock x Male!Oc) //On Hold\\Where stories live. Discover now