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After the last dare, the Cullens decided to call it a night and continue after tomorrow's results. At first Atlas didn't know what to do, so he awkwardly stood in the middle of the room while everyone else went off to do their own things, Edward (bless his 'damned' soul) realized this and quickly came back to grab Atlas and lead the poor boy to his room. They spent God knows how many hours listening to Edward's various CDs and talking about anything and everything. Before they knew it dinner had arrived and the two humans ate while the vampires pretended to eat.

The Cullens decided to invite Atlas to stay the night and that's how they ended up having a slumber party in the living room (you may be wondering how they convinced Rosalie to come and well the answer is simple......they threatened to burn her cars and tie her up and dye her pink.......harsh I know). The two humans tried to stay up all night, but they eventually fell asleep at around 1:30 am (Emmett wanted to draw a mustache on Atlas's face since he knew Bella would get Alice to kill him if he did it to her, but Edward threatened to rip his body apart, burn it and feed the ashes to a pig, so that idea over fast).

The next morning Atlas borrowed some of Jasper's clothes since they were closest in size (and because Atlas secretly liked the empath's fashion sense the best, but don't tell Alice or Edward that). Breakfast was pretty uneventful as the humans ate their cereal (which Esme keeps for emergencies and Bella), while the vampire excused themselves and said they already ate. The real fun began when the door bell rang, all of the Cullens (except Edward, Rosalie and Jasper), ran to open the door and when they did they were met with the sight of their parental vampires looking a little afraid of what they've come home to.

Instead of thinking of last time (Esme would never forget the way the llama looked her in the eyes as it ate her favorite pillow), they greeted everyone and Carlisle went to get ready for his shift, everything was going fine, well it was until......"This isn't my car........ who did this?" Carlisle says noticing the difference instantly (I mean who wouldn't, his car was black and the one in front of him was white, did they think he was an idiot or something). "Well there are a lot of mysteries in this house" Edward says ominously while coming up behind him. Everyone (except Atlas, Carlisle and Esme, the latter two who didn't know what was going on), rolled their eyes at Edward's bull.

Before Carlisle could say anything else Rosalie cuts in and says, "it was Edward". "I thought we said that we wouldn't tell him" Edward hisses (although it sounded more like a whine), at her while the others try not to laugh at his misfortune (except Esme......she still didn't know what was going on and Carlisle who was doing breathing exercises in order to not yell at the kids in front of the new human). Alice secretly leaves the room to get a camera to film this (for future blackmail of course), and this seemed like the perfect time for Edward to say his dare.

"I dare Rosalie to burn Alice's credit card while she's out hunting with Jasper." Edward says quickly trying to change the subject (spoiler alert: he fails since when Edward reads Carlisle's thoughts he hears Carlisle promising him that this isn't over and that he didn't expect this kind of behavior from him and blah blah blah.......Edward much rather stare at Atlas's angelic face than listen to Carlisle's lecture......plus he's already heard it a million times from when Emmett or Alice do something wrong, which is quite often). "Ugh whatever," Rosalie says while rolling her eyes (what a drama queen, but even then we all secretly love her).

Now either Edward perfectly planned this or this was the freakiest coincidence in the history of freaky coincidences because the next thing they knew Alice was coming out of her bedroom (camera and blackmail forgotten......just kidding she'll get the video from Emmett or Bella later), dressed in her least favorite outfit (which still happened to be Gucci somehow), all ready to go hunting.......well that was easy. "I'm going out with Jasper guys," Alice yells from the front door (thank god she didn't mention they were going hunting, because that wouldn't have been easy to explain to the poor, clueless human boy). Little did she know, that when she would come back her entire world would be burnt down to a crisp (literally).


"I'm back" Alice shouts while walking into the living room and dragging Jasper along with her, but immediately stops when she sees the fire in their backyard (which is literally a forest), with her siblings and the two humans roasting marshmallows over it. At first she was excited because she loves s'mores (I mean who doesn't), unfortunately that doesn't last long because just as she walks into the backyard (did I mention it was a fucking forest), she sees a familiar pink blouse being burned and it takes her less than a second to realize that the reason the blouse was so familiar was because it was hers, specifically from her channel limited edition spring collection........also it was one of her favorite pieces of clothing she owned.

Her shock didn't last long and soon it was turned into anger as she instantly started yelling at everyone. "WHO THE FUCK DID THIS!!!" When no one responded she seemed to get angrier and not even Jasper's empathetic abilities seemed to calm her down. "WHEN I FIND OUT WHO IT WAS I'M GONNA TEAR THEIR ASS OFF AND I'M GONNA MAKE THEM PAY!!!" By now everyone was a little scared of Alice's wrath (who am I kidding, they were so scared that Emmett was sure he had broken vampire biology and peed his pants).

Edward being the traitor he is decided that now was the perfect time to get his revenge, "It was Rosalie," he says with a big smirk (haha take that blondie). Alice has a crazed look in her eye as she jumps on Rosalie like a wild animal (which is a bit of an ironic comparison if you think about it). Completely ignoring the fight happening behind him Atlas says "Well that was interesting, but it's my turn now and I dare Bella to kidnap Mike Newton and blame it on Emmett." Everyone looks at him with their jaws dropped (even Alice and Rosalie who has stopped their cat fight in shock). "What? After watching you guys dare each to do such cool stuff I didn't want to give a boring dare."

There was pin drop silence for a minute before Jasper broke it by letting out a fake sob and pretending to wipe his non-existent tears while saying, "aish I'm so proud of you......we've really corrupted.......I mean taught you well......*sniff*" Bella who was was ignoring Jasper's bullshit just grinned evilly and said, "Oh this is gonna be fun," while rubbing her hands together in a plotting sorta way. "I'm starting to really like you kid," Emmett says while giving Atlas a well deserved pat on the back to which Atlas responds to with his most evil grin (which is more cute and less evil.......but you get the idea).

A/N: Sooo what do you guys think? This chapter is slightly longer than the last as an apology for not updating faster 😅, and I hope you guys enjoyed it. 😌

Anyways I hope you guys have a good day/night and I will see you in the next chapter. 😀

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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