{chapter 2}

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"Hey boys!..what's wrong with kenma kuroo?" Kenma's mum asked looking worried, "oh nothing much mrs. Kozume kenma just has an upset stomach, maybe he should stay home today" oh okay!" Kenma's mum said before getting the plates ready for them. Kuroo put kenma on the couch and turned on one of kenma's favorite TV shows, kenma snuggled against a fluffy pillow nearby "Hey kitten I got you some food" kenma looked up and saw kuroo hovering over him with a plate of food, "thanks kuroo" no problem!" Kuroo said before sitting down with kenma and handing him his plate. Kenma started munching on some bacon before he felt a sharp pain again in his stomach, he winced in pain quietly..but of course kuroo noticed this "kitten are you okay?" "Yes I'm fine kuroo my stomach just hurts abit" oh okay" kuroo said before getting up and going to the washroom. "Kenma hunny I'm going to work now!" Okay mum!" Make sure to eat and rest today!" And with that she left. Leaving kenma alone in the living room.

Sorry its short again! Hope you enjoy and if you have any ideas for chapter 3 let me know!

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