Heading to Training Camp!

Start from the beginning

She had learned that at the Sports Festival and even in the Final Exams, that if she tried to use Ultra Instinct in a way like Deku, she would be overshadowed greatly. She would have to find a different way to fight. No matter how much she tried, her power could simply never be the same as Ultra Instinct.

That kind of power is one of a kind.

It's not just given away randomly. If it was, many would die. She was very sure she would've died, had Deku not paced her beforehand. Even if everyone could handle it, Deku wouldn't just give away that power.

If a bunch of wannabe Deku's were running around, Deku would be greatly annoyed and irritated.

The power alone is enough to kill a man, but the emotional, mental, and physical stress that Ultra Instinct puts you through is even worse. Which is why her powers went out of control after she woke up from unconsciousness. There is one Ultra Instinct and only one. When she had tried to replicate it, she failed. Miserably. Some fail to understand that this power isn't for everyone and it most certainly can't be replicated.

It's more like a godly power.

You can't copy a god.

When she said that she would make Ultra Instinct her own, she meant that she would find an alternate and more efficient way to use the power she was given from her training with Deku.

She would be different, and make a brand new power of her own, from the aid that Deku gave her.

Although it was a bit of an overreaction on her part, she did not like when people tried to compare the two powers as if they were the same.

She learned the hard way that they were most definitely not.

Mr. Aizawa finally walked in after 5 minutes and addressed the class immediately.

"Alright, your first semester her at UA is now over. However, that does not mean that you can have fun. In fact, it's quite the opposite. No games are going to be played, we're going to this training camp with one goal and one goal only on our minds: Plus Ultra status. Everyone got that?"

"Yes sir!" Everyone replied in union, except Deku who snored in response.

They got outside to wait for the buses. Class 1-B would be joining them at the camp and along with the class came girls, and when there's girls...

"Class 1-A and Class 1-B's hotties all in the same place! I must be in Heaven." Mineta, the grape himself, said with a distant and dreamy look in his eye. A shadow soon loomed over him as he turned around to see Ochako right behind him. "And here's the main event!"

"You just can't seem to stop can you," Ochako began darkly as she activated OFA.  "There must be a mistake because Heaven is not waiting for you. Allow me to introduce you to hell!"

All you could hear for the next five minutes were Mineta's cries as he got pulverized. The students and teachers either did not care, were too busy, or were just mentally cheering her on.

After almost dying, Mineta's twisted and broken body laid there in a pile of shame as he too waited for the bus.

While the rest of the class were waiting, a certain irritating blonde started rambling to them.

"oH lOoK aT tHaT!" The annoying blonde started. "I HeArD hAlF oF cLaSs 1-a CoMpLeTeLy fAiLeD tHeIr eXaM! pReTtY fUnNy CoNsIdErInG tHeY'rE SuPpOsEd tO bE BeTtEr tHaN u-"

Before the blonde could even finish his crazed berating, his face was grabbed and he was lifted into the air.

Deku had completely cut him off and was now glaring at the blonde with tired, grumpy, and ice cold silver eyes.

Izuku Midoriya: Ultra InstinctWhere stories live. Discover now