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Elijah's POV:

For the last couple of days, it has been hectic, but I can't complain. I got my GED in order to apply to a local community college so that I can get a better job. I got a new job that happens during the day so that I can help Fiona a lot more when the kids are home from school. Not only that, I met a girl and we've been talking lately and it's been going great far. We just went on a date and it went great. We made plans to go out on another date, which made me very happy.

As I got home, I see Tony and Fiona talking and Mandy Milkovich running out of the house not to long after. Well that's going to create some problems, knowing how crazy her family is. Knowing full and well that Lip went on a date with Karen, I know that Ian had something to do with it.

"Hey Eli," Fiona and Tony greeted.

"Hey guys. Not cut this short, but I got to talk to Ian about the potential problems that Mandy will create with her family, considering that Lip is on a date and Ian is the only teenage boy inside that house," I tell them  before going inside.

"Thanks, Eli," Fiona tells me before I walked inside.

"Ian, why is Mandy Milkovich crying?" I asked my brother, who was slightly panicking right now.

"She wanted to have sex with me, but I refused," Ian answered.

"You better clear things up with her if you want to keep living," I tell him as I sat down in the couch next to him.

"What do you mean?" Ian asked in a panic.

"That family is worse than Frank and that's saying something, since Frank is a horrible father and we're not a normal family. They are known for repeatedly go to jail for assault and it's for the smallest things, at times. Plus, it doesn't help that they like to harass people in this neighborhood for fun," I answered my brother, honestly.

"Shit!" Ian yelled before going upstairs.

Not to long after that, Fiona came inside the house and sat down next to me on the couch.

"What was all that about?" Fiona asked, referring to Ian and Mandy.

"Mandy wanted to have sex with Ian, but he refused, that's why she took off crying," I answered.

"That's gonna create problems," Fiona pointed out.

"Like you have no idea," I said, agreeing.

"I haven't seen you in the last couple of days, where have you been?" Fiona asked me.

"I've been busy. I got a new job during the day, completed my GED, enrolled in a local community college so that I can get a better job, and I met a girl at that college after I enrolled. I just got home from a date," I answered with a slight smile on my face.

"That's amazing, why didn't you tell us?" Fiona asked me, happily.

"I still haven't come to terms with it myself," I answered.

"Who would've thought that you would graduate high school, go to college, and meet a girl at the same time," Fiona tells me.

"Who would've thought that I would still be sober," I tell her in shock.


The next day was hectic as usual, except this time it was cold. When I walked in, I see Fiona throwing some flowers away in the trash and Kevin in a robe, eating some toast on the trash.

"If you want my sister's forgiveness, do better than flowers," I tell Steve.

"They're not from me," Steve tells me.

"Who the hell got you flowers?" I asked Fiona.

"Fiona, thanks for a night I'll never forget, Tony." Steve said as he read the note and I began laughing.

"Give me that," Fiona said and she took the note away from Steve and looked at it for herself.

"Who the fuck's Tony?" Steve asked, angrily.

"You hooked up with Tony? How charitable of you." Kevin tells my sister in a sarcastic way and I begin laughing, even more.

"Now that I think about it, he's kinda into you," I tell Fiona.

"Shut up," Fiona tells me.

"Hey, it's not my fault that he has feelings for you," I tell my sister before she threw a towel, which made Kevin and I laugh.

Not too long after that, Steve and Fiona got into a small argument.

"Hey Fiona, I'm taking Liam with me and he's staying the night at my place. I have today and tomorrow off," I tell my sister.

"Call me if you need anything," She reminded me when I was walking out with the kitchen.

"We'll be fine," I tell her before I went upstairs and grabbed his stuff for the night.


I've been busy with Liam, but Fiona called me , saying that someone came over to investigate the social security checks that were being cashed here in Chicago, even though Frank told us that she lived  in Wisconsin. On top of that, Ian texted me and told me that Mandy's brothers are now after him. After I put Liam down in his crib for a nap in the living room, Steve comes barging in.

"There's a baby here that's trying to sleep here, do you mind?" I asked him, pointing towards my little brother.

"I'm sorry, but I need your help," Steve said, desperately.

"Fiona driving you crazy and your jealous of Tony I'm guessing?" I asked and he nodded in agreement.

"There's a tiny part of her that still cares about Frank, that's why she's super pissed at you and she did use Tony to make you jealous and to hurt you," I said, answering his silent questions.

"What I don't understand is why though. I mean, it seems like you could care less about what happens to Frank," Steve said.

"That's because I really don't care about Frank or our mother. They were terrible parents. Both of us payed the price for that, me more so than her," I told Steve.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked.

"Both Fiona and I raised those kids for as long as I can remember. Sometimes, when my parents were so high off of whatever they were on, I would go sell it to bring in some money home and half of that went to our parents. Somewhere along the lines, I got addicted to drugs and alcohol," I answered, leaving Steve shocked.

"I almost died one day, sitting my junior year of high school. I took that as a sign to get better and help Fiona with the kids. Of course, it took her a while to trust me with the kids, but here I am, with Liam in my house. What I'm trying to say here is that give Fiona her time, she's a bit stubborn when it comes to forgiving," I tell Steve before he leaves.


The next day, I went to the diner with Liam to meet up with the girl I was talking to. Her name is Guadalupe and she's pretty amazing. So far, Liam is going to be the only family member she meets. If things go well with her, I'll introduce her to my family little by little so that I don't scared her off.


Guadalupe's face claim:

Guadalupe's face claim:

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