The meeting

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I rush home, not caring about the looks I get as I go down the streets that lead to my suburban home. I dodge past my parents and go upstairs to my room. I stand in front of my mirror and my jaw drops. I am purple. All over. I spin around. I have a freaking tail. I swish it. I flop onto my bed, still looking at my reflection, until I remember something. I run to the rickety steps that lead to the attic, take a deep breath and walk up them.

I sort through the boxes, until I find the one I want. It's labelled 'Y/N's old books.' I find one called 'Legends and Myths' and it falls open on a page with the heading 'Mordetwi'. I look closely at the image, and there's one that looks like me. I read the page. It tells the sad story of two lovers, Twilight Sparkles, and Mordetwi. They were destined to be together, but because of some cruel fate, they were separated. I sniffle. It's so sad. I close the book and go back to my room. Maybe I was Twilight Sparkles?

I blast my favourite song, singing along. I've loved it since before I can remember. "Can we pretend that aeroplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars." Then I hear someone else singing the next part. 
"I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now." The voice is deep and manly, and I swivel around. There, on my windowsill is the other person in the illustration in the book. He hops into my room, and holds out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Mordecai." He gives me an incredibly sexy grin.
"Oh...I'm Y/N...I mean, Twilight sparkles!" I laugh nervously, until he pulls me in and our mouths connect.

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