Chapter Twenty-Two

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Christmas came and went, along with New Years and Valentines Day. Time has been flying since the EP came out.

Rylie came and stayed in my apartment over her Christmas break, but decided to stay with the Rossi's as long as they will let her. I have a feeling it'll be a permanent thing for her, at least until she graduates high school.

Rylie also officially got emancipated, meaning that legally, she's responsible for herself. It was a tough decision for me to make, but she made some really good points. This will help us both out in some ways, but I made it clear that she's to follow the Rossi's rules, and mine, should I ever think of any.

I'm not worried about her. Rylie's got a strong head on her shoulders. I don't see her causing any problems for me or the Rossi's.

Josie and I have been inseparable since we officially started dating. It's been about six months now, and even though that isn't a long time in some people's eyes, it is to me. I fall for her more every day, which makes me sound lame, but it's true.

She didn't go see her family over the holidays, and Sadie couldn't come down because of work, but we made the best of it together.

Now, Josie is getting ready to go on spring break. After this semester, she's taking a year off of school to figure out what she wants. I think her desire to be a lawyer, whatever there was of it in the first place, has gone away.

Mark has mentioned to Josie that she should record a single of her own, but she's being shy about it.

My tour lasts until June and starts tomorrow. Josie's spring break is next week, and she's going to meet me on the road before coming back here and finishing off the rest of her semester. I'm thankful she gets to tag along for a week, but I'm going to miss her like crazy. She keeps telling me that distance makes the heart grow fonder, but fuck that. I'm fond of her as it is.

Our song did well, and my EP is holding it's own at the bottom of the Billboard charts. Even though I'm towards the bottom, I'd rather be on the chart that not on it at all. People seem to be enjoying my music, and every day it seems our YouTube views are doubling.

I'm making a steady income from my music alone. I'm not a big shot yet. I'm not sure I ever will be. But I'm making enough to cover bills and then some.

We've actually been recognized in public a few times, which is crazy. Josie always blushes and tucks herself into my side while I exchange the pleasantries with my "fans".

I hate saying fans, though I guess that's what they are. I feel like if I start calling them that I'll jinx something. Like the camera men will jump out from behind the bush and yell, "Got ya!"

I walk up the stairs of Josie's apartment with dinner in hand. She's been stressed about deciding whether to change her major or take a gap year. Then, on top of that stress, she's been studying like crazy for her midterms.

I asked her why she's wanting to do so good on her tests if she isn't planning on pursuing the major they're under, and she just said that it's engrained in her. She also told me that she wants to prove to herself that she has what it takes to pass, and that way when she looks back, she can't say she half-assed the classes and could've done better.

Because of all her stress, though, she's looking thinner lately. I keep reminding her to eat, but most days she only has dinner when I provide it. I think she's been skipping lunch at school, too.

"Bring me anything?" Livi eyes me as she opens the door.

"You know I did." I muse, handing off the chocolate shake. "Can't forget about you."

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