Prologue (Part 1)

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Once, in the days of yore, there was a society far beyond its years.


Whilst the rest of the world had only discovered gold, the kingdom of Pulthedria cured all disease, created automotive means of transportation, and even established peace throughout their land. On a fateful day that seemed to be like any other, an asteroid of cataclysmic proportions appeared in the sky without warning, leaving many Pulthedrians agitated. Were it any other society, mankind would have been doomed to extinction. But Pulthedria was equipped with the ability to intercept celestial objects. The Pulthedrians destroyed the asteroid using advanced tools and equipment and extinguished the incoming danger. With the asteroid ruined, a new element rained down upon the city-state, marking the birth of a new era.

They deemed it "Pulthedreon."

Pulthedreon wasn't a material dense or durable, so they refrained from transfiguring it into weapons or armor. Not that it would help anyways, as chunks of Pulthedreon warped time and space around it, creating an aura of what many would consider being warped matter. Perplexed but not any more fascinated, the Pulthedrians examined Pulthedreon for many decades to understand its capabilities and how to harness it. The finest scientists of Pulthedria concluded after long concentrations of study and devotion that stable pieces of Pulthedreon could create a gateway into a large, vast void. They called this newfound world the Pocket Void, for it could hold anything to any capacity the possessor of Pulthedreon desired. In addition, one who enters the Pocket Void at one point in space may exit at another point in space. The Pulthedrians referred to this new means of transporting as "teleportation."

When the king of Pulthedria discovered what Pulthedreon could do, well, some say his eyes grew green with greed. An endless open space which also doubled as means of teleportation was seen as a sufficient way of living and conquering in the king's view. The thoughts of the numerous battles to be won by sheer surprise, and all of the infinite cities the king could build within the Pocket Void's endless boundaries had flashed before his eyes. Without diplomatically requesting Pulthedreon from the scientists who discovered the element, the king ordered his mercenaries to collect pieces of Pulthedreon and slaughter the scientists. The mercenaries executed their mission with practiced ease and brought forth Pulthedreon to their king as told. In excited haste, the king used his piece of Pulthedreon to try and enter the Pocket Void. But, of course, the king was ignorant. Instead of creating a gateway to the Pocket Void, the piece of Pulthedreon exploded with enough force to destroy four city blocks. Every other piece of Pulthedreon, barring the one the scientists had performed research on, were all unstable.

Thus was created the chain reaction of explosions that ended Pulthedria's legacy. All that remained was the last piece of Pulthedreon, perfectly stable, and the former king of the great Pulthedria. Wielding the piece of Pulthedreon did not just provide the king access to an open world of no known boundaries, but was the key to unlocking the chains preventing him from attaining an ambition many would consider practically impossible--global domination.

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