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Hermione woke up in a sweat, her whole body uncomfortable and paining as she lay inside the tent in a makeshift mattress.  Her ankle wound was binded up, very badly so too, and it hurt just as much as she remembered.
"Hey." The redhead on the other side of the room said
She turned around to see him sitting in a chair, his arm in a cast made out of the spare clothes they had.
"I heard you guys got one of the hocruxes...that's nice."
"Yeah, I guess" said Hermione, her voice coarse and deep with pain.
"You alright?"
Ron didn't reply, before speaking up again,
"Well good news, Harry found the gryffindor sword."
"What" Hermione raised her voice a bit, making sure she'd heard him right.
"Yeah, last night he saw this patronus. A doe. He doesn't know who it's from, but he found it inside a frozen lake. Would've died if I hadn't pulled him out using my good hand."
"I thought it was with the ministry"
"So did I, but apparently not."
"What are we supposed to do with that"
"Harry thinks he'll be able to destroy the hocruxe with it."
"He hasn't destroyed it yet?!"
"I wish, it's to hard. None of the spells are working on it, it's like invincible. Maybe the gryffindor sword might work, since it was covered with basilisk poison that day in 2nd year. Maybe basilisk poison is fatal against hocruxes."
Hermione relaxed as she turned her head around and stared into the horizon. 4 down, 7 to go.

"Hey your awake" said Harry as he walked in after a good 30 minutes.
"You jumped into a frozen lake."
"I was trying to get the sword, you sould be happy."
"What an idiot."
Harry smirked at the familiar line before he went to one side of the tent and pulled out the sword hidden behind their luggage.
"Who want to help me destroy that thing."
"Are you sure it'll work?"
"Wouldn't hurt to try."
Ron took out the cup before putting it on the table, holding it as Harry readied himself.
"Don't cut off my hands Harry, it's my only one."
"I'm not gonna cut off your hands, I'm a skilled sword fighter and I've used this sword before too"
"I'm just saying"
Harry swung the sword with all this power and it crashed into the cup breaking parts of it off and forming a crack right in the middle. A huge and silent blast of black threw both of them off guard as they fell on the floor before it disappeared just as fast as it had come.
"What in Merlin's beard was that"
"The hocruxe, I suppose."
"Is it dead?" Spoke up Hermione, staring at the cup which didn't look any different than before except that it now had a crack on it.
"I you think he felt it? You-know-who? The hocruxe dying?"
"Dunno, but we can't take chances. If he did, then he'll know where we are."
"Are you saying we travel? You know we're too injured to apparate"
"We'll have to go on foot."
"But Hermione can't walk."
"I'll be fine, most of my wounds are healed through the essence of dittany.  It's just the pain."
"We can wait a few days, decide our next move. The next hocruxe."
"Wait, what's the next hocruxe?"
"I think the Diadem of Ravenclaw. That all I remember Sirius talking about. He never told me where it is though."
"How are we supposed to find it then?"
""I'll... I'll try to contact him."
Harry walked up to his bag and pulled out a broken mirror piece as he held it up and said ,
"Through this"
"A mirror?...."
"It's magic. Sirius has a piece of it too. If he still has his part, then he'll hear me if I talk into it."
"So like a royals form of a walkie-talkie?"
"Basically yes."
"Why do royals have to be so extra"
Harry shrugged before saying,
"It's a long shot but I'll see if he'll respond. You guys rest." He said as he walked out, the mirror still in his hand as he stared into it.
Hermione groaned as she sat up and she looked at her ankle,
"I didn't even get to take the strengthening and the skill enchantment potions"

|☾︎ • • • 𑁍 • • • ☽︎|

Draco walked through the halls of his cold and lonely home. The house he'd never thought could be any colder and less welcome somehow was as he heard the voices of the deatheaters and Bellatrix's chilling maniac laughter.
"Draco, come one. They're waiting" said her mother as she finally found him, fear etched in her eyes.
Draco nodded, dreading the meeting more than ever as he swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to pacify his beating heart.
He walked through the corridor, his legs wobbly and weak from fear which he hid as he walked in a monotone expression with just enough fear mixed in it. He sat down in his cold and heartless place besides his family as he looked down, hoping the dark lord would somehow forget about the meeting and not show up. But alas, all hope was lost when the familiar chill was felt across ther spine and the dark mark pricked up on their skin. Even though Draco couldn't physically see his mark since the deatheaters had covered it up with advanced magic when he had spend time as a spy trainer, he could feel the pain and the faint outline of the snake coiled up in a skull.

He walked in, his skin in a abnormal grey-ish colour but looking more silly than before with his hairless and nose-less face. He came up to one side of the room, right at the side that overlooked the whole table.
"Death eaters, hello. As you know, today should be a day of celebration. We have finally, after years, taken over the wizarding world. The ministry is overthrown, Hogwarts and Gringotts  are under our control and we have full control. Yet, somehow we have a flea. Hermione Granger and her little troop. They've become quite....annoying."

Draco gulped, he knew where this was going. How it's going to end. Voldemort moved towards his family, Narcissa moving towards Draco and putting her hand over his protectively while Lucius just kept his head down.
"Someone let them turn into such an annoyance. Someone failed." Draco didn't meet his eyes and kept it trained on his lap, a feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach.
"Look at me when I speak to you." He ordered as Draco was forced to look at his horrendous face.
"You failed. And in what? Such an easy task, to kill an innocent and hopeless 18 year old. And you will pay the price."

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At this point idk if I'll ever be able to finish this, lol-

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