Chapter 6

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(Third POV)

A few days have passed since the end of the Eternal Winter, and all is well in Arendelle. The gates to the castle have been reopened once more, all of the citizens of the town are smiling and happily embracing the dawn of a new age, and Elsa and Anna are finally rekindling their relationship as sisters once more, but still...a hole is left inside of the Queen's heart. Y/N has been lost to the water, he hasn't been found after the ice had been thawed out, and no one could find his body. It left Elsa in tears for the few days before now, not even Anna, Kristoff, or even Olaf can cheer her up. But when a black cloaked man walks into the town, some of the citizens stop and look with curiosity. The man's gaze narrowed towards the castle, but he is interrupted by kids playing with a ball. One of the four kids bumps into the man's leg, causing him to fall down onto his butt, and when the kid looks up, his eyes widen in shock.

The cloaked man however, places a finger on his lips as if to tell the boy to keep his lips sealed. There is even a smirk on the corner of his face. The boy nods before going back to playing with his friends, and the man continues making his way through the town, stopping just before the large gates of the castle. He walks into the castle, and guards soon walk over to him to block his way.

Guard: "Halt! State your business here in Arendelle's castle!" One of them says, but all the man had to do was lift up the hood ever so slightly, causing the guards to widen their eyes with shock. The same guard orders the others to stand down.

Guard: "At ease, he has returned!" Is all he manages to say before the man cuts the guard off with a "Shhh".

???: "She must not know before then. I trust you can keep this secret until she learns of my resurfacing?" The man asks, which the guard quickly agrees to. They all split up and return to their posts before the man enters the castle ever so calmly. He takes a look at his surroundings before his ears pick up on a conversation in the throne room.

Advisor: "Your Majesty, it has been nearly a week since the disappearance of the Royal Guard Y/N. Perhaps it is time to come to terms with it and move on."

Elsa: "No, he's still out there. I just know it. I won't rest until he is found." The man looks into the room and finds Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, and the advisor to the Queen all standing by Elsa, who is seated at her throne. Deciding to make his presence known, he walks into the room unannounced, surprising all five of them.

Elsa: "Who are you, how did you manage to get in?" The stop at the foot of the small steps before the throne, and he takes a knee.

???: "I live here. Remember?" This only confuses them even more until he stands and unveils himself from the cloak.

 Remember?" This only confuses them even more until he stands and unveils himself from the cloak

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Y/N: "I thought I would get a welcome back from the people I love most. But it seems like that's not the case." As soon as they find out that THE Y/N has returned to them, Anna and Olaf run toward him and engulf him in a group hug, and he reciprocates kindly. Kristoff, walks up to Y/N and also hugs him, but it is more platonic than that of Anna and Olaf's. The advisor is delighted and runs off to tell everyone the grand news. Finally, Elsa, who cover his mouth with her hands in shock that her lover is standing right in front of her and can now speak without pausing, slowly walks up to him and hesitantly places a hand on his cheek.

Elsa: "Are you real?" She asks him, and all he does his grab the hand that is placed on his cheek, and she can feel the warmth of his skin.

Y/N: "As real as the love that we share." And just like that, they waste no time in kissing in the presence of their friends. After a few seconds, they break the kiss and see that the others left to give the two some privacy.

Elsa: "Where did you go, we couldn't find you for days. They thought you'd have died."

Y/N: "I did indeed sink to the bottom of the lake. But my runs have managed to save me." His arms start glowing their blue hue for a second before it fades. "Although I managed to not drown, I did pick up a few new scars on the way, and my speech has become better, don't you think?" Elsa could only stay speechless, causing Y/N to smirk.

Y/N: "What do you think, do they make me look more attractive?" She traces the scar that has been made by Hans's sword on that day with her finger.

Elsa: "It makes you that much more unique. And I love you even more because of them."

Y/N: "And I love you as well, Queen Elsa." They hug each other tenderly, neither one bothering to let go. The Queen of Ice and the Royal Guard, have now been reunited against all odds. Their love remains true and strong, and neither of them will let anything stand in their way. Because to Y/N, she is his light, and also because it is his duty. It is his duty...

to protect.

A/N: Hey everyone, Frozen is done. And now it's moving on to Frozen 2. Thank you so much for reading, and I will see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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