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Arabella opened her eyes

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Arabella opened her eyes. She was in the same room she had died in, but this time it was different. It was a temporary Hell. There were only certain things that could send her there. Like the Killing Curse, for example. Because it was instant. But the other two Unforgivable Curses could not -  they were slow. Arabella could only temporarily die if it was instant. Anything else like losing too much blood or drowning were slower and she would live through those.

"What happened now?" Lilith asked, bored. Lilith was the devil, as many knew. She was the one that turned Arabella into a vampire.

"I was murdered," Arabella answered as she lifted herself from the floor and dusted off her dress.

Lilith gasped dramatically. "Murdered? Now that is a first." It was not a first. Arabella had been murdered many times.

Already fed up, Arabella stared into Lilith's red eyes. "Send me back."

"Uh-uh," Lilith tutted, "ask nicely." She smiled widely at Arabella, enjoying her reaction.

"Could you please send me back, Lilith?" Arabella forced out. In all honesty, she didn't even want to get sent back. She would prefer to stay here until Lilith agreed to permanently end her life, which she also knew was almost impossible. So really, she had no choice.

"Now, you know that can't happen, Bella," Lilith read her mind, grinning at her.

Arabella rolled her eyes. "Just send me back. Please."

"You're no fun." Lilith pouted, but nonetheless, she walked over to Arabella and placed her hand on her shoulder. "Until next time. And don't forget to bring a couple souls by next year."


When Arabella woke up again, her body was cold. She looked around the room and noticed the window had been broken open, the cold wind not affecting her in any way; perks of being a vampire. Though she could feel weather effects like wind and heat, they did not affect her negatively. She could survive even in the most extreme temperatures - the only reason she even had the ability.

Immediately, her hand went to her pocket where her wand was usually kept. It wasn't there. She cursed herself for being so stupid. Of course the boy had took her wand. Now he knew that she had lied.

She stood up and noticed a stench coming from somewhere. The smell wasn't too strong, but it reached Arabella quickly with her heightened senses. Then she realised the dead body behind her. How long had she been dead for? Arabella looked down at her wrist, checking the time on her watch. She then looked out the window and saw that the sun was coming up. Five hours, maybe six? That was the longest she'd ever been out for.

She left the room and passed Mary's dead body at the top of the staircase. Her heeled shoes echoed in the empty house as she climbed down and went to the living room where Thomas Riddle lay dead on the floor. Mary's husband. Arabella's hand immediately went to cover her nose. The smell was reaching her too quickly. She decided she needed to leave and find the boy who stole her wand. She was going to compel him to forget about ever seeing her. But where is he?

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