Locked Up For A While

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Riley and Rhodey had arrived at the hospital and were rushed to the best two doctors there.

"Riley? Can you hear me? You're at the hospital, but we're gonna fix you up, okay?" The woman asked Riley as she regained consciousness.

"Riley? Can you hear me? You're at the hospital, but we're gonna fix you up, okay?" The woman asked Riley as she regained consciousness

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"W-Wanda...I need to help Wanda. I can't leave her, I'm all she has." Riley replied.

"Riley, listen to me. Wanda is fine, she's gonna be okay." The woman assured Riley before looking at the wounds on Riley's torso, seeing something she wasn't happy with.

The doctor began to run some tests and used an ultrasound machine on Riley's torso, finding the source of the problem.

"Nurse, prep the OR as fast as you can. We need to operate as soon as possible." The woman informed.

Riley looked around the room, not seeing anybody familiar.

"Nat, I need..." Riley said before a surge of pain rushed through her body.

" Riley said before a surge of pain rushed through her body

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Suddenly, Tony and Natasha rush into the room.

"Oh my God, Riley! Doc, do something!" Natasha yelped.

Tony held Natasha back as the doctor then injected Riley with some pain killers and a sedative, knocking her out. Once Riley was asleep, the doctor began to check Riley over better.

"Okay, breathing is normal. Bruised ribs, a few seem to be broken, which could be causing the bleed." The doctor told her team.

Natasha looked at the doctor with worry as she heard this.

"Bleed? What bleed?" Natasha asked.

"Mr Stark, Miss Romanoff, Riley is bleeding internally. I believe that one of her ribs has torn one of her arteries, so we're going to be getting her into the OR soon." The doctor informed.

"Is she going to be okay?" Natasha asked as a tear fell down her cheek.

"This surgery should go swimmingly, but we don't know the full extent yet of her injuries. But hopefully everything will go to plan and Riley will be fine." The doctor said as the nurses began to prep Riley for the OR.

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