I'm not Jealous

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I'll put a trigger warning here just in case. There's references that can be triggering and if so the first few paragraphs can be skipped.

hola everyone! Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy.

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Reality resembled more of a dream, just like a living nightmare. Lips moved, but there wasn't an intelligible sound. Chaotic, reverberations droning, falling, and rising in pitch. At one point I felt as if I were near a waterfall, listening to a constant stream of running water. Was it raining?

Blurred vision, distorted images of faces coming closer and closer. Someone was grabbing my arms, tugging me somewhere. My mouth fell open in a scream, but I didn't know if the noise escaped. The ground left me and suddenly my skin met silk. I didn't know what was worse, the warped features of my captors or the darkness that blanketed my sight.

My eyes flew open, hands instinctually reaching out and finding a space. My heart percussed against my chest in a swift rhythm. Forcing air in my inflexible lungs, I sat up while peering around my dimly lit room. The dream was nothing new, but it never failed to leave me shaken. While it wasn't reoccurring as it once was, the dream was always a reminder of the anniversary of my sister's death. It was only days away.

A psychologist once told me the dreams were my brain's way of making me confront my shame. It was easy to let go of what those assholes did to me. Easier to convince myself I was stronger, wiser than who I was before. But I could never think about Harmony's death without blaming myself. Dawn, the psychologist, urged me to see it in a different light. So did Kyley, so did Luc, but I supposed I didn't know how. Because if it weren't for the stupid decisions, my sister would still be alive.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. My door creaked open, Grey allowing himself in, with Luc following close behind. Turning my desk chair towards himself, Grey straddled the seat while Luc plopped on the bottom of the bed.

"Remind me to fix my door," I mumbled sleepily. For the two years I lived here, the door never fully shut, but the matter of fixing it always faded to the background.

"Your girlfriend should go out with us tonight," Grey stated casually.

He looked tired, but his grin was ever present. I wondered if Kyley and he resolved anything. It was odd for them to have a fight longer than a few days. The most they argued about was Grey's overly friendly persona. Kyley also had an unpleasant habit of keeping silent on the things that bothered her, so ended up becoming a ticking time bomb.

"She's not my girlfriend," I said.

Luc shook his head. "Now Caden, that's no way to treat your girlfriend."

I couldn't help but laugh. The two of them on their own were a nuisance but add them together and they were downright obnoxious.

"Good thing she isn't then."

"Listen Candy Cade, if you want a girl to stick around, you gotta introduce her to your family. She'll really feel special," Grey spoke in a parental tone, narrowing his eyes with a gleam in them.

Luc nodded enthusiastically, even though he brought none of his girlfriend's home. I guess he had a good reason he didn't, but still. Anything to bust my balls.

"The more attention, the better," Luc added, stretching out his hands.

"Definitely no secrets." Grey's tone shifted from its lighter note.

I cocked my brow. Taking a seat against my headboard, I set my sights on Grey.

"Are we projecting now?"

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