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"Did you get it?" he snapped.

I just nodded and continued solving on my own even if I didn't understand anything because I barely focused earlier.

I flinched when he suddenly poked my forehead using his finger.

"Ouch!" I winced "w-what did I do?" Scrunching my cheeks up.

"The formula is completely different" he said as moved closer tom me, I took stole glances multiple times and I'm glad he's too dumb to notice it.

I looked up him with drowsy eyes, gosh why does he have to be this beautiful?

"I-I can't do this" I said in almost giving up, it's true that it's hard to when he's in front.


"Hmmm?" He just hummed nodding.

"When are you going to have a girlfriend?" A sudden question made his eyes wide open, stooping on his tracks.

A soft chuckle escape from his mouth, the corner of his lips curling up, he leaned forward and tilted his head.

"Why do you ask?"

Uh I don't really know....

"w-why is it bad?" I rolled my eyes at him and putting my attention on the homework, "I shouldn't have asked then" I mumbled frowning, making it sure he didn't heard it.

it was honestly, nerve wracking asking a stupid question, am I too obvious? but there is no bad thing when I just want to know who is he courting so that I can clear my feelings out, how I wish my feelings weren't true I can't accept them I know it will result to awkwardness.

this is the disadvantage of falling hard to your best friend, I am afraid that If I tell my feelings to him, it will only put our friendship in risk that's why I am trying my best to avoid these feelings everyday, but whenever I see him I can't seem to focus on my goal which is forget that I liked him... no love him.

I took the dog shampoo from the cabinet and went outside, in the grass. I unclasped the collar of Leila before soaking her with water as I did not expect leila to move stubbornly making me sit on the grass and the water hose was fixate on me causing my clothes to get wet.

leila jumped on me and started licking me, she was so strong that I stumbled easily against the grass.

"leila- stop" I said in between my laughs.

my white t-shirt is all wet emphasizing my bra inside more, I squeezed the end of my shirt waters falling down.

the gate suddenly opened revealing Jaeyun, he brought his soccer teammates with him. I recognize the two guys beside him, it was charles and arkin, they are pretty famous for being a good soccer player and for their looks.

the three of them looked at my way, especially Jaeyun then I realized My clothes are wet, I quickly ran inside my room to change.

I heard them laughing and talking loudly from the living room, about things that I don't know, Jaeyun doesn't usually bring his friends over that's why I just stayed inside my room the whole time with leila.

my stomach suddenly groan in hunger, I stood up and decided to get some snack on the kitchen when I realized Jaeyun and his friends are in the kitchen too.

his eyes went over me, it was the same expression he made earlier, I can't read it but I can tell that he's a little bit pissed.

for what? tsk

"I didn't know you have a pretty sister" the guy charles suddenly said in a good manner way, Jaeyun just shook his head.

"bro, I saw her first" Arkin said, and looked at me smiling"Hi, I'm Arkin-

"you guys shut the fuck up" Jaeyun uttered, his mood changed.

I just nodded shyly at them before going to my room.

"look who's playing a protective brother" I heard Arkin laughed, But there was no response coming from Jaeyun.

"what's her name, huh?" charles asked instead "I guess I want to date her."

"leave..." my eyes widened, it was Jaeyun's deep voice. "you guys need to leave right now"

"what? I thought were going to watch netflix-" he was suddenly cut off by Jaeyun.

"are you deaf ?, I said leave..." Jaeyun said.

"alright, alright sorry dude..." I heard Arkin said as they quietly headed outside the house and I heard Jaeyun steps towards my room.

I heard countless knocks on my door, and I decided to open it.

"you don't have to wash leila, I told you that earlier but you didn't listen" he said sounded really mad.

it was so rare to see him mad like this, especially to me the last time I saw him mad when I had nearly acccident in a car.

"how could I not? she was playing-" I was about to tell him that leila played on a mud.

he scoffed, he fucking scoffed. before carrying leila ad going to his room, I heard him slammed his door really hard.

"I hate you, what did I do!?" I screamed before slamming my door too.

I didn't even no why he's mad, why is he like this? if something happened today at him he shouldn't put his anger to me, because that is exactly what a jerk doings is.

"ugghhh I hate him" I groaned.

I've been ranting to my friends about what Jaeyun did, while were having our lunchbreak, I did not go to school with him today and I'm not even planning to go home with him today, he's so annoying.

"Arkin is so hot!" octavia squealed and pearl quickly covered her mouth "I envy you" she pouted "he was literally asking you out! that's so lit"

"what do I do with you?" pearl looked at her in a disgust look.

the russian girl laughed, "so who will you choose between the two?" she excitedly asked.

"why would she choose on the two?" pearl asked back.

"is Jaeyun part of the option?" octavia joked, my eyes widen in surprise.

how in the world?

"why? they're best friends they're almost siblings" she said.

𝙩𝙤 𝙘𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙖 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩/ sim JaeyunTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang