Will you be okay

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I know the title sounds bad and I am sorry if it does. Don't be scared I am just hear to tell you some...details if you will be okay. You know if you die or if you survive through this. Okay one thing is for sure I bet you will be fine and being killed from epilepsy is pretty rare so you will survive. Another thing is you can get really scared of what might happen to you I don't know why but when I was in the hospital for a few days even though I have been to the hospital before I was wondering if I would die. But here I am writing this book trying to make you people with epilepsy feel comfortable having it and trying to make sure that they will be okay no matter what happens. I clutched the mini animal (it was a stuffy) the whole time when I felt scared my sister gave me. And I am perfectly fine...I regret saying that I still get dizzy sometimes. I also can't remember important stuff. That is why I feel like I might fail in school but I try my best. And that means you too.

Also if you have nightmares about falling on the ground and not waking up at school. Tell me in the comments I want to know how you feel. If you have the same dreams tell me I have that dream all the time it scares me and when I want to wake up my body will not let me. Another thing is if anyone treats you badly you will be okay if you feel like you are going to die you will be fine. Okay I know this from experience if you think I am lying about having epilepsy I am not. Just believe in yourself think happy thoughts and you will be great! And nothing can stop you from having wonderful thoughts of the past or present.

(Thanks for reading this it means a lot. And if you have the same disease that I have read this. To know that you are not alone and this is a safe place! Also asked me whatever you want in the comments and I will respond!!)

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