Can you handle it

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1st detail: if you can handle having a seizure then good for you you can try to make it stop even though when you say it. It is not going to be easy I have had many seizures but I could never stop one from happening. It just happens when you don't want it to it is out of your control which makes me mad. But it is your body you can't choose for your brain to not cause a seizure it just happens randomly.

2nd detail: can you handle having a seizure? Well I don't know this for sure but if you scream loud then I don't think it is necessary but if you have to and you think you are going to die scream all you want. But if it is your second seizure don't scream but only if anything hurts. Well I am not you but for my first seizure I never screamed just say nothing fall and if someone finds you they will get help. But if no one comes god will look after you and to make sure that you will be alright and not die. (Sorry if that sounds creepy i just don't know what to say in the situation) so don't worry

3rd detail: when you wake up from your seizure and you are in the hospital stay calm and if you can't yell until someone comes to your rescue. But if you are hooked up to wires it is because the doctors and nurses want to see your brain just to check if you are okay. Also if you have wires on your head don't yank your head forward that is just...a very bad idea. I have never done that before because when I woke up I knew I was in the hospital and I was calm but everyone is different. Just stay calm but if you can't that is fine to the doctors and nurses just want you to be healthy.

4th detail: if you stay at the hospital another day panic if you want to I panicked to don't worry they will just run a few tests I only remember one of them though because I was only five or six years old when I went to the hospital I can't remember my age it was a long long time ago. But if you are unhealthy also you can have a low blood sugar that is what happened to me when I heard my mom in the phone. If you barf lean into a bucket or just do it on the ground. And someone will be there to help you don't worry.

5th detail: you are going to feel very weak. Like when you get up to use the bathroom you need help getting up you are that weak. And when all the wires are off your head and you get to shower you feel like your going to faint don't worry you will not. If you feel like you need to lean on something lean on the shower wall. (That is what I did and my mom laughed a little I yelled at her for that) and after you put on your clothes you might feel a little dizzy but when you start walking a little you feel fine. But since you took some medicine if you needed it you might fall asleep in the car. (Also what happened to me)

6th detail: if you stay at the hospital another day or two you might get some illusions from the medicine. You might wake up and say the nurse has three heads....then you fall back asleep because you can't keep your eyes open any longer. Or the nurse has three eyes.....this is because of the medicine it makes you tired and a little dizzy you also see illusions but some people think it is funny but you can't laugh because you have no energy or you might think it is scary. I thought it was hilarious but I couldn't laugh because I was very very weak. And that can get to you. When I was in the hospital all I wanted to do was sleep screens and sleep again I didn't eat until I wanted to you also might not be that hungry. I wasn't at the moment.

7th detail: when you get the all clear from the doctor to go home. You will be so happy to eat real food I gobbled up my dinner like I haven't eaten in weeks. I was that hungry. But if you aren't hungry then just go to bed. You will also be so happy to sleep in your own bed. I was so happy I wanted to squeal but I didn't so...yeah. Thanks again for reading this!!

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