Chapter 53 - Village

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"Was it something awesome!?" Bonnie exclaimed, becoming more excited as she explored the area and admired Sanpei's new outfit, which was similar to his old one with a few extra patterns. Sanpei shook his head and responded, "Not really. We think it had something to do with that Zygarde Core you cared for." He closed his eyes for a moment in thought. "Squeaky... Squiggly...?"

"Squishy," Ash corrected. Sanpei snapped his fingers. "Right! Squishy," he exclaimed. "It looks exactly like it, except that the color of that thing on its stomach is blue and not red like Squishy's." Sycamore walked over and said, "Pardon for interrupting. I'm Professor Sycamore from Lumiose City." He stuck out his hand, which Sanpei politely shook. "But did you say that the stomach is blue?" He asked Sanpei.

"That's right," Sanpei answered. Clemont looked at Ash, who nodded and said, "That's Squishy's friend. The second Zygarde Core." Sycamore nodded at what Ash said and turned to Sanpei. "We visited so that we could discuss something about Ash with your chief, but this seems urgent. Is there any way we could see it?" He asked Sanpei, who frowned and shook his head. "I'm afraid not. When I approached it, it saw me coming and hopped away," Sanpei explained.

"Did it seem injured?" Sycamore asked curiously. Sanpei shrugged his shoulders and answered honestly, "I don't know. It already looked weird enough, so I didn't think about that." Squishy's friend doesn't look weird, Bonnie thought, pouting at Sanpei's remark. "It's just so weird that it's traveling in this area of Kalos when we saw Squishy in Lumiose City," Clemont said, his face showing that he was deep in thought.

Sanpei frowned and said, "Sorry I can't help more," bowing before everyone. "It's not a big deal, so don't sweat it," Ash said, pumping his fist and smiling at Sanpei, who nodded. "You did say that you came here to talk with my brother, right?" Sanpei asked Sycamore, who nodded.

"Right," Sycamore replied. "It's about Ash. I'm sure you remember his Bond Phenomenon intensely, right?" Sanpei smiled and nodded, a gleam in his eye. "How could I? Have you gotten better at using it?" He asked Ash, who shook his head. "No, this time it's a bit... different," he said slowly, not sure how to explain it.

"Different?" Sanpei repeated, tilting his head to the side. "Why don't I just show you?" Ash suggested, grabbing his Pokeballs and releasing Greninja and Lucario, who both looked around upon being released. "Oh wow! A Lucario!" Sanpei exclaimed, running over to greet the two. Greninja looked around happily, recognizing exactly where he was, while Lucario just hopelessly looked at Ash while Sanpei was touching his spikes.

"This Lucario looks trained," Sanpei commended Ash. "Well done!" Ash sheepishly smiled and chuckled. "Thanks!" He said embarrassingly. Sanpei looked at Lucario for a moment and furrowed his eyebrows. "Except... one thing looks different about this Lucario," he started, pointing at the spot where Ash's Lucario differed from other Lucario.

"See that belt-like line around its waist?" Sanpei explained, pointing to where the red line wrapped around Lucario's middle point. Ash nodded and walked over to get a better look. "That's usually supposed to be black, not red," Sanpei explained, with Ash raising his eyebrows and saying, "I guess you're right. Wow!"

Sanpei stared at the ground as he sat deep in thought. "Didn't Greninja add a bit of red to its body whenever it transformed?" Sanpei asked. Ash was about to answer when Bonnie blurted, "Yeah, he did! Does that mean that Ash's Lucario is transformed right now?" Ash's eyes opened wide as he turned to Sanpei, who shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe," he said. "I'm not saying for sure, but it's definitely something we need to look at while you're here."

Ash nodded and said, "Right. I'm here to train with your brother, Sanpei." Sanpei stared at Ash while he continued explaining the reason for their visit. "I just found out about that weird thing with Lucario, but Sycamore and another scientist figured out that our Auras are overlapping," he explained, nodding towards Sycamore to explain in full detail.

Sycamore nodded back and continued. "Ash and Lucario are connected through their Auras like normal. I'm sure you are taught about Aura in the village?" He asked Sanpei, who nodded and answered, "We're taught about how Lucario can sense people's Auras, and how people can connect with its Aura to create a sense of understanding between both the trainer and Lucario."

"Precisely," Sycamore said. "We've discovered that not only is Greninja also connected to the two through Aura but that somehow Squishy is as well." Sanpei's eyes opened in disbelief. "You're telling me that two other Pokemon are connected through Aura? How is that possible?" He asked, shocked about what he had just heard.

"We're not sure," Sycamore answered honestly. "That's why we came here so that we could potentially find answers," he explained. "And hopefully find a way to use its power against a threat," Ash added, earning a look of confusion from Sanpei. "Threat? What threat?" He asked, seeing the group before looking at each other in worry.

"How about we explain it to you alongside your brother?" Sycamore asked politely. "And whatever other person who holds a position of authority here. What we're referring to may end the world as we know it," he explained. Sanpei took a breath and said, "I can organize a meeting in thirty minutes. How does that sound?" Ash smiled and exclaimed, "Great! Just show us where to go and we'll be there soon!"

Sanpei pointed to a building that seemed bigger and more important than the rest of them, not including the fact that it stood on the largest hill in the area. "That's where we'll be going," he explained, while Sycamore jotted down some notes. Ash nodded and thanked Sanpei for his cooperation, waving as he simply disappeared in smoke as a means of leaving.

Ash felt another rush of wind and turned around, expecting to see another ninja appear in front of them. Instead, there just stood the three travelers. "Did you guys feel that?" Ash asked his friends, who looked at him confusingly. "Feel what?" Clemont asked, looking around. "I didn't feel anything." The other two shook their head in agreement with Clemont, causing Ash to question his thoughts.

I swear I felt something, Ash thought to himself. Like someone was watching me or something. Ash looked up at the clear blue sky and thought about when they departed for Ninja Village. I had a weird sensation when we left as well. It's like my senses were heightened or something. He looked around the area, paranoid that someone was watching them, but he was pulled away by Clemont who suggested that they find some shade and avoid the sun's harmful rays.

Ash forced a smile and said, "Sure. That sounds like a great idea!", and walked over to a nearby tree with the other three. Unbeknownst to him, he was right. A pair of eyes were situated in the bushes across the field, near where Ash and the others were. It was A, who had been tasked with following them by his master.

A jotted down some notes, including the information about Lucario and Ash's Aura merging. This will be perfect for the master, he thought to himself, pleased. We could use this to get the upper hand. With those thoughts, he put away his notepad and smirked, thinking that these next few days would be the most eventful in his life.

A Journey's LinkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora