Chapter 6

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You fellow readers may have wondered why I am scared of some toys, and no they aren't firetrucks with soundsystems or baby dolls. I mean kinky play toys. I particuarly am afraid of masks. To be honest, I wouldn't really class them as a toy, but just an extra. BUT STILL FREAKY SHIT. I get creeped out by this certain type of ball gag that goes over the face, makes you look really scary and I personally wouldn't like some tight gripping leather wrapped over my face. Riding crops.. little wierd but, if I was blindfolding and unaware of me being tortured by this little treat, i'm sure I wouldn't give a damn.

3. Subbie Men. Dudes, if you are into this and reading this. It's not you, it's me. I tell myself as a sub, that men should always be the one to be pleased. You may agree to a certain extent. Vise Versa. But, it just makes me feel a little uncomfortable with some dude on he's knees cleaning their mistress' shoes. I respect that if they are into the kind of shit. Please. Proceed, don't let my opinion stop you from your satisifaction.

Now that I know more about bondage. I feel that almost every day something pops up about that topic. Wheather its lyrics to a song or a film about it that before, I didn't understand and every time it does turn up in my day to day life, it makes me smile and realise that I'm happy to know myself.

I would like to take my time to tell you lovely people, that since I have uncovered my liking to bondage, porn, Will, some strangers I met over webcam and erotic novels. That I feel better. I feel free and open and I don't care if people judge. I love me for me. and if people don't like that I would rather be tied up and talking down at rather than tossed around in sheets, laughing in the darkness, tough fucking shit.

I purposly wrote my story, because.. I can only imagine how bad some body who is a teen and still not fully understanding of this lifestyle and needs somebody to hear from, or just to know with the reassurance that they arent alone. Im here. I always love feedback from my stories or in this case, biography ha! Especially, if you are into this stuff. You are all very fasicinating people. Don't let the people around you make you feel like shit for what you are into. Inbox or comment please! x

The End.

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