Chapter 1: The Desk Ornament

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I bought it at my neighbours' garage sale. I think it looks really pretty." Dream placed it back on his desk and started munching on his food.

"A garage sale? You know it could be haunted, right?" Sapnap half-joked.

"You and your ghost stories. That's not real, you know?" Dream rolled his eyes. Sapnap laughed on the other side.

"You never know, Clay. If you summoned some kind of demon by buying it, I'm not gonna help you get rid of it." They both laughed. Dream crunched on another piece of apple. "I have to go now, Clay. My family is going outside to eat."

"I love not living with my family, solely because of that." Dream laughed. "Bye, Nick."

"Bye, Clay." Was the last thing Dream heard before he disconnected.


His dinner was bland, not very enjoyable since Dream didn't want to cook it. He ordered it from a fast food restaurant and was disgusted. He threw most of the food away and slowly went to bed.

He closed his phone and carefully slid into his dream world.

His dreams took him to a very big field, in the middle of nowhere. All he could see around him were dandelions. He laughed to himself. Maybe that decoration brought these dreams with it.

He started walking around, coming nowhere close to civilization. Of course, he was dreaming, it made sense. He figured this must be lucid dreaming since he could actually control most of the things he did.

He was walking around, aimlessly when he noticed someone running in the distance. He started, slowly approaching them and saw someone, probably younger than him, running around and laughing. He saw, the person had short brown hair and was very small.

He started running towards them. The person noticed him and shouted "Catch me if you can!" and started running forward. Dream was no runner but these were his dreams, so he started running at a very high speed, most likely humanly impossible.

He managed to catch that person and they both fell on the ground, Dream on top of them. The person was laughing, with their eyes closed and Dream started staring at him. Whoever this was, he was really pretty.

No, Dream! This is a dream. This is your own imagination. What are you thinking?

The person stopped laughing and looked at Dream with his pretty brown eyes. Dream was mesmerised. He never saw anyone look that pretty.

"Hello!" The person greeted. Dream could see he was out of breath, so he stood up and let him stand up as well.

"Hello!" Dream greeted back.

"What are you doing here?" Dream noticed the British accent this person had which made him even more attractive.

"Uhm, I don't know." He didn't know if he could say that this was a dream, so that was the better way to explain his situation. Well, not explain it actually.

"So, you are lost?" The man was still smiling at Dream with such kindness, that Dream almost melted.

"Uhm, yeah..." This boy somehow managed to take his breath away.

"That's okay. We'll find our way out of here. Don't worry...Uh, what's your name?" The person was so kind that Dream didn't know what to do. This was a dream. Wasn't this person supposed to know his name? Wasn't he supposed to know this person's name?

"Uhm,...I'm Clay but you can call me Dream." He had no idea why he asked this person to call him by his Youtube name. "What's your name?"

"I'm George!" The person-George shook Dream's hand and Dream did the same. Shook George's hand, not his own.

"So, what is this place?" Of course, he knew these were his dreams but still, he wondered what this was supposed to mean.

"It's a giant field of dandelions." George stated the obvious while picking one up and blew in it, so that the seeds started flying. He happily watched as the seeds flew in the breeze surrounding them.

"Why did you do that?" Dream asked.

"I made a wish. I make wishes all the time and I just remembered one." He happily explained.

"Can I make a wish too?" Dream asked. He knew, it wasn't real but it seemed fun.

"Sure, go ahead. Who am I to stop you?" George giggled and Dream picked up one of the dandelions. He looked at it and carefully blew out the seeds, not really making a wish.

"What did you wish for?" George was curious.

"Don't you have to keep wishes a secret?" Dream laughed. George giggled with him.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot." Dream laughed with him.

A/N: 1238 words

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