Chapter 1: The Desk Ornament

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A/N: Before I start, I would just like to say that the entire story is finished which means I will upload the parts daily here and after I finish uploading it here, I'll upload it to ao3 as well, so I don't have that much work cause I'm lazy. I would also like to thank my friends for reading this story for me. :)

The hot mid-July sun was shining in Florida. The birds couldn't be heard. Instead, the chatter of people echoed through the air who were buying things at a local garage sale. In the middle of those people, you could find Dream looking for decorations for his desk.

He was walking around the desks of his neighbours, looking for anything he could put on his desk. Nothing quite caught his eye at first, so he was left wandering in the middle of the tables searching for something.

Suddenly, a small object caught his attention. He started approaching the desk on which it was presented and took a look at it. It was a small dandelion-like ornament and it looked like something he could put on his desk.

One of the neighbours approached him and greeted.

"Hello, Clay! Looking at this?" The neighbour pointed at the little flower ornament in his hand.

"Yeah, it seems like a good thing to put on my desk." Clay smiled. His neighbours and him didn't interact very often but he knew they were very nice people.

"It sure is. My wife bought it when our son was born." That surprised Dream.

"You have a son?" He was curious. He always thought they had only 2 daughters.

"He passed away, a very long time ago, sadly. My wife hid the ornament in the garage because she didn't want to remember that painful experience." The neighbour looked down.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

"No worries, Clay. You didn't know. Besides, that happened a long time ago and we've been able to live again, as if it never happened."

"That's great to hear." Dream felt bad for them. They were really nice people and deserved only the best.

He gave the cash to pay for the ornament to his neighbour and headed back to his house. He should show it to Sapnap and ask for his opinion.


Dream unlocked his door, threw the keys on his desk and prepared himself a little snack. He forgot to eat during his stream and then immediately went to the garage sale so he wouldn't miss the opportunity to buy himself something.

He placed the little flower decoration next to his keys and headed to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and pulled out an apple and a banana. He cut the apple and peeled the banana and put them on a plate, taking it to his room.

He opened his computer and placed his food next to his keyboard. He quickly rushed to his front door desk and took the decoration he bought to his room while his computer loaded up.

He placed the little flower on his desk, next to his food, and opened Discord to see that Sapnap is online. He texted him to join VC and they both greeted each other.

"Hey, Clay! Why did you call me? Something happened?" Sapnap could be heard from Dream's headphones.

"I bought myself some desk decoration." Dream happily explained. "Wanna see?"

"Sure." Sapnap answered.

Dream opened his face cam and lifted the little flower towards it.

"A dandelion?" Sapnap asked.

A Field Of Dandelions || DreamNotFoundDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora