Chapter nineteen

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TW: Death

Darkar suddenly emerges on his throne. He looks absolutely pissed off. How could this have happened? He just knew that he shouldn't have trusted the Trix.

He uses his magic to conjure even more shadow monsters to attack the intruders.

While Snape and Valtor don't notice as they are still looking at Dolohov's dead body, a few monsters come towards them.

Y/N, who is still on the table, thankfully notices in time. "Sev- Professor Snape, Valtor! Look out!" she yells at them.

Both men quickly turn around and dodge the monsters' attacks in time. They then attack the monsters with their magic. They all turn into dust and disappear.

"Thank you, Ms. Y/L/N" Snape says, grateful that she corrected herself in time. He would not be able to walk around unbothered if any of the others heard her call him by his first name.

Y/N shyly smiles at him. "Anytime" she simply says.

Both men walk towards her as they help her get down from the table. "Yes, thank you, honey. Are you all right? Can you walk?" Valtor questions as he looks at her still bare, scarred thigh.

Snape raises an eyebrow at the nickname while Y/N blushes as she pulls down the skirt of her dress to cover up. "Yeah, I'm fine. The healing spell worked. We need to get the diamonds out of Darkar's hands" Y/N states. Both men nod.

Vera and Laura then run towards them. "We can help, Y/N. We can ask Harry, Bloom and Nabu to help us distract him. Then you can take the diamonds from him and use them to finally destroy him" Laura states which Vera nods at.

"Yeah, we will get them now. Be ready!" she tells her friend.

Nodding, the three friends get to work. Vera and Laura distract Darkar by yelling at him, annoying him.

Harry and Bloom keep firing spells at him while Nabu shows off some pretty cool tricks with his magic staff as he hits Darkar as well.

Y/N takes the chance and runs up to him, taking both the pink and orange diamond.

When Darkar finally notices, he gets absolutely furious. "NOOO!!!" he yells as he's hit by a force coming from Y/N's hands as she concentrates.

Darkar then turns into ashes as he disappears. He's finally gone. Lord Darkar is destroyed. All his shadow monsters disappear in an instant as well.

All of the villains who remain are the Trix and Bellatrix. Icy joins the two others as she's tied by ropes too while Black and Lupin catch Bellatrix.

"Nooo! It's not fair! It's not fair!!!" Icy exclaims as she can't believe they got caught yet again. Will they ever rule over Magix?

Snape turns to her. "It may have escaped your notice, but life isn't fair" he says in a mocking tone.

Faragonda suddenly appears with two guards. "Well done, everyone. Darkar is destroyed and the Trix witches are defeated. They will be located to the Light Rock Lake, where they will spend the rest of their days" Faragonda states.

Icy, Darcy and Stormy do not like the sound of that. "Please, not the Light Rock Lake! Anything but that! I can't take the sound of chipping birds and happy people anymore!" Darcy begs. The guards then take the Trix with them through a portal.

Black and Lupin tighten their grip on Bellatrix. "Well, our mission is completed, too. We finally found the Azkaban escapees. Well, at least one" Lupin says as he looks at Dolohov's dead body. They then apparate while dragging a screaming Bellatrix.

Faragonda gains all of the remaining people's attention. "We should probably head to Alfea where you can say goodbye to each other" she states. Everybody nods in agreement as they follow her through a portal.

They are all now outside the gate of Alfea. "Thank you for your help, Y/N, Laura, Vera, Mr. Snape, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger. You have all been a big help. We are forever grateful to you, and you are of course always welcome here at Alfea. Do say hi to Headmaster Dumbledore from me" Faragonda says as she smiles at them.

They all then bid goodbye to the Winx, the Specialists and Valtor. "Goodbye, guys! And thanks for your help! We will miss you" Bloom says as she smiles. The other Winx girls nod in agreement.

"Yeah. I really hope you will come and visit us someday" Flora says as she gives them all a big smile.

The three girls smile back at them. "I hope so, too. We will definitely see if that can be arranged" Vera says.

Tecna then gives the three girls their phones back. They didn't even realise that they didn't have them. Weird, what kind of teenagers are they?

"Here you go. I have upgraded your phones with a powerful spell from Zenith. You will now be able to contact us in any dimension. It can be a call or simply a message. I've coded all the Winx girls', the Specialists' and even Valtor's phone number in their system. Yes, Valtor does have a phone, too. I finally convinced him" she says, happy that the wizard finally gave in. They nod at her as they take their phones in their hands.

As they all keep chattering before they have to leave apart, Y/N approaches Valtor. "Goodbye, Valtor. I hope we will see each other again someday. I will definitely send you a message now that Tecna has upgraded our phones. By the way, thank you and Snape for helping me in Shadow Haunt" she says as she gives him a shy smile.

He smiles back at her, charmingly. "Of course, Y/N. I hope so, too. It has definitely been a pleasure getting to know you, honey" he says as he takes her right hand in his and kisses the back of it. Y/N blushes as Valtor smirks at her.

She then hands his jacket back to him. "Thank you, I will miss wearing it" she shyly admits which earns her a chuckle from him. They then hug each other tightly before waving goodbye.

Meanwhile, Snape is looking at them from afar, jealous. He's really jealous.

Laura suddenly approaches him. "Jealous?" she teases while smirking.

Snape rolls his eyes at her. "Of course not. What would I be jealous of? Those insolent fairy girls with their incompetent boyfriends?" he asks as he gives a disgusted look.

Laura starts to laugh at him. "Obviously not them, you dumbass. But I think you already know who I was referring to" she says as she crosses her arms.

Snape glares at her. Did she really just call him that? If she was one of his students, then he would not hesitate to take one hundred points from her house.

Valtor suddenly looks at Snape, motioning with his hand to make him follow him. Snape rolls his eyes but follows him nonetheless. "Yes?" Snape drawls when he's near him.

Valtor gives him a smirk. "You do not have to be jealous. You know that, right? Y/N clearly cares about you and that Lucius Malfoy guy. Yes, she has told me about you two. How you both saved her from that horrible Dolohov guy. Thank the Great Dragon we killed him. Anyway, she might have a crush on me, but you two are clearly special to her" he tells him.

Snape glares at him. "I am NOT jealous," he starts. "And how do you know that she cares about Lucius and I?" he questions as he raises an eyebrow at him.

Valtor laughs at that. "Let us just say that I have been reading her mind. Do not tell anyone that, by the way. I was supposed to give that spell back as well. Anyway, I suspect that you have been reading her mind, too? Then you would know that girl definitely has an interesting and entertaining mind, if you know what I mean" he says, giving him a smirk.

Snape smirks at that, too. "Indeed" he simply says, agreeing with him. The two men then give each other a handshake and a nod as they leave.

"We will be leaving now" Snape declares to the teenagers. The Trio, Y/N, Vera and Laura nod. They wave goodbye to all the Winx Club characters as they apparate to Hogsmeade.

"You will miss Y/N, right?" Bloom asks while giving Valtor a sad smile.

"Yes, I will" he admits as he sighs. She's one of the few people who have actually been nice to him. He will never forget that.

The Keeper of the Diamond 2 (Severus Snape x reader & Valtor/Baltor x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang