We walked in and saw my former padawans quarters for the first time. When he was my padawan, we shared a room, but now he had his own, I hadn't been in it.

"This place is a mess," said Jesse.

And indeed it was. There were droid parts everywhere, and even some smashed furniture from his famous rages. There were also some dents on the walls.

Fives walked over to a poster on the wall.

"I didn't know the General liked podracing," he started, "this is the Boontha Eve race!"

"Didn't a nine-year-old win it?" asked Ahsoka.

Padme and I exchanged a smirk, we knew full well who won that race.

"Move the box, I want to see the victor's name," said Rex.

Five moved the box and gasped.

"What is it?" asked Ahsoka.

"The General won this race," Fives said.

"That's impossible," Ahsoka said, pushing him out of the way.

She looked at the poster, and her eyes widened.

"It says, The Victor Of The Boontha Eve Podrace Is Anakin Skywalker!"

"No way," said Cody.

"What else is in here?" asked Echo.

We all started rummaging.

I looked under his bed and found a box.

"I found something!"

They gathered around and I blew the dust off the box.

It had a message engraved on the lid.

Dear Ani,

When you receive this, I will be gone.

I hope, you are free from Tatooine and the life you lived here.

I hope you are free and have become the Jedi you wanted to be.



I opened the lid and found a photo of a young boy and a woman. Padme gasped and said;

"That was his mother."

"What happened?" asked Ahsoka.

"I have no idea," said Padme. I sensed no lie in her words.

"Let's go, I'll buy diner," I said, and we filled out of the room.

Anakin's POV:

It had been three years since I woke up back on Mortis.

I had raced to the Monastery to find the Son and Father talking over the body of the Daughter.

They said I needed to stay to help bring balance.

The Father came up to me and asked me to resurrect the Daughter.

Apparently, I did when I place two fingers on her forehead.

Now, I was sitting on the roof of the Monastery, I had created a drum kit and a guitar out of the Force. I had managed to summon my book with different songs I had written in it. Whenever I sang, the Force would flood into me, and I could do anything. On Mortis, my powers have doubled and I can teleport, shoot energy balls from my hands, absorb force lightning, shoot fire, and more.

But, I would always feel happier when I sang or played music.

It would remind me of when I would sit with my mother, and she would hold me and sing to me.

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