~ 2. I do ~

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He stepped closer to me removing the lace with those gentle touch making me hiss back a bit

Chanyeol:I do

* How could he say that so easily
It's like that meant nothing to him
Does it mean nothing to agree living with someone he doesn't love ? *
My lips chapped at how to pronounce those words out of my lips when there was a rock restricting my all breaths and words. I was hesitated

Y/n: I-I do
In my mind I kept convincing myself * I didn't say that, I didn't say that * to calm myself from panicking in front of all those guests and colleagues. I gulped my sorrow and burrows them in the deepest furtive part of my heart


On the way to the honeymoon trip•

* In my whole life I only dreamed to marry a good man and lived happily till the last breath but now I'm sitting in the car of someone who is so just called my husband *

That word * Husband * broke my heart even hearing in my head so I shrugged that thought and turned outside of the window. He was focusing on the road and I was focusing on the tree, slowly shadowed by the disappearing of sun to the west

* This sunsetting is dragging my mood down *
My thoughts were intimidated by the death of lights. Soon , the car stopped in front of a gorgeous mansion of the lonely field in the most isolated border of city. Creepy but classic

* I only thought the ' gorgeous ' word is only to be used to a living thing but this mansion deserves the title *

He walked to the house with those harsh steps and I tried to catch his speed as languid as a snail, since my dress was so tight for my legs to move.
He dragged my luggages to a room and I also followed his track of path right in that room. He passed me and closed the door not missing to lock it. I stared him like " Why is he closing the door even tho he's going to leave soon ? "

Chanyeol: This's our shared room
He started to unbutton his shirt once he blew me with his senseless words

Y/n: Excuse me, what did you say?
I wished that I misheard him and hoped he would change his words and replace with another words. But to my fear, he didn't

Chanyeol: I'm sleeping here
I looked at him with eyes wide. Sleeping with him was the worst thing I imagined. I thought he'd leave some private to me. But it wasn't all

Chanyeol: On this bed
He patted the bed sheets and smirked. I didn't know what's that smirk for and I really didn't wanna know too

Y/n: You sleep outside or I'll sleep outside?
I spoke in an convincing tone not reacting foolishly hoping he'd at least go to another room and leave me alone. But there came my second surprise

Chanyeol: Ok there's no way I'm sleeping outside so you go 'cause you're the one who wanna sleep separately
I already knew he wouldn't let me please. I wasn't even surprised anymore. After all, this's Park Chanyeol

* What did I even expect? *
I was only capable of slapping myself in my mind. I didn't complain a thing. I just dragged my stuffs and walked out of there. After a long time of searching unlocked room in the whole mansion, I only left two options like sleep in the living room or dare to sleep beside him. I couldn't sleep in the living room 'cause there's no light or blanket

* How in the world there is a mansion with no cushions and blankets in the living room? *
I'd be more stubborn if I knew how those electric in the mansion worked. But I had no idea those lights were only provided in the gate of the house and kitchen

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