nighty nighty

76 3 9

It's late at night. You're like always, making dinner. But today you do a quite delicious food because there are someone on your house

Flower looked at you before she asked does you needed help

You started to think.. you didn't want her to help you with it, but she said that she could, so you just let her do it

You told her to make the easier things ever. Makes drinks

After she makes drinks, she brings it to the table while waiting for you to done with you're cooking things

When you're done to cooking, you put the food on the table

"It's done!" You said

"It's done!" You said

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"Wow .. It looks delicious .." said flower. Until there is saliva coming out of her mouth

"Okay. Now, Let's eat" you said then you sat down and started eating ..

After You've eaten, you're like always, goes your room and playing games

"Wei! Take care of our stupid tower!" Said your toxic friend who shouted at the mic

"Hold on la! Enemy attack us badly" said teammate that open the mic

And you .. Um .. You play like always.. Chill je

And ... Your teammates won because you attacked the enemy tower without enemy realise

" You always get the MVP. I also want to gets MVP!" Shouted your toxic friend into the mic

"If you want to win, go cure your temper first" you said before you closed your phone and put it next to you computer and opened the video on your computer

Tick ​​tock tick tock, you look at the clock and it's  already 3 am

You go to your bed and lay down

Suddenly .. You remembered something

You go downstairs and go to the living room. And you see...

Flower slept on the sofa while hugging herself

Because you felt sorry for her, you picked her up and brought Flower to your room

You put her on your bed gently before you take the [anime/cartoon] blanket and cover her body

You look at her for a moment before going to your study table and go to your computer and go to the file

You go to the flower file and clicked the file. then the three files appear and it's was control, voice and clothes.

You go control and next to it write master control and on

You go to master control and go clicked it to off. Suddenly ,pop up apper

Are you sure?

[Yes] [No]

Then you moved your mouse computer and clicked yes and the pop up disappears

You look at the flower before you go to bed and take a pillow and put it on the floor. Then you sleep on the floor

(Ya. I use Google translate on this chapter cause i'm lazy)

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