Part 2: Coming back home

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<Message from the author>
Hey guys this story will involve an OC of mine. His name is Sokuto Sakota and he is married to Yang Xiao Long and they have a daughter named Yin. Sokuto and Yang have traveled the world to destroy the followers of Chaos (who are a creation of my own). And it will involve some more OC's of mine who will be revealed later in this story. And this story will involve characters from other franchises that I brought into RWBY. Like Raiden from Metal Gear, along with Garland and Chaos from Final Fantasy. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story and let it begin!

<Sokuto's POV>
Sokuto: "Man I just can't wait to see Yin again." He pulls out a picture of him, Yang, and Yin at a park.
Yang: "I can't wait to see the look on her face when we see her again." She hugs Sokuto from behind.
Sokuto: "I love you Yang." He holds her hand.
Yang: "I love you too." Sokuto gets a call from Jaune.
Sokuto: "Oh I'm getting a call, it's Jaune. Hello?"
Jaune: "Hey Sokuto I have a special announcement to make."
Sokuto: "What is it?"
Jaune: "I proposed to Ruby and me and her are getting Married."
Sokuto: "Hell yeah! Nice job my guy. When's the wedding?"
Jaune: "In 2 months."
Sokuto: "Got it we'll be there. Me and Yang are coming back home today."
Jaune: "Sweet, maybe we could all have a double date sometime after you guys get back."
Sokuto: "Okay sounds fun, talk to you later and tell Ruby we said hi."
Jaune: "I will and tell Yang we said hi. Anyway, bye!" Jaune hangs up.
Yang: "What'd he say?"
Sokuto: "He proposed to Ruby and she said yes." She has a burst of excitement.
Yang: "Yes! My baby sis's getting married! When's the wedding?"
Sokuto: "In 2 months."
Yang: "Okay, I'm so excited."
Sokuto: "Me t-" suddenly the ground starts shaking. "What the hell is that?"
Yang: "The ground just started shaking out of knowhere." Something slowly rise from the ground. "Wait... is that?"

<Yang's POV>
Yang and Sokuto have defeated the leader of the followers of Chaos.
Yang: "So..." she grabs him and picks him up. "Your group is no more!" The leader starts laughing.
Sokuto: "What's so funny?"
FoC Leader: "Your too late! He is coming! And we'll all be dead!"
Yang: "Who's coming?"
FoC Leader: "Unicron! He is rising and soon... we'll all be extinct!"
Yang: "Unicron... who's tha-" he turns into ashes and disappears.
<Flashback end>

<Sokuto POV>
Sokuto: "It's just like the prophecy. Yang looks at him confused.
Yang: "What prophecy?"
Sokuto: "The rise of Unicron... the prophecy that he will rise and destroy us all.
Yang: "We can take him down. Do you know who we've defeated?" Sokuto has a scared look on his face.
Sokuto: "You don't understand... Unicron is nothing like we've ever faced before. He tears planets apart. We'll all be dead... there's no winning. We have to warn everyone... we must prepare a global evacuation.... But he'll find us... nowhere is saf-" Yang hugs him tightly.
Yang: "Shhh it's okay. You don't need to fear my love. Unicron will not rise and if he does, we'll be ready."
Sokuto: "But what about-" she cuts him off with a passionate kiss on his lips. He placed one hand on her right cheek and closed his eyes.
Yang: "Don't worry my love. We're all safe, now let's get home! I wanna see Yin again.
Sokuto: "You're right... let's go!" They share one last kiss and then hold hands and walk to the air port to get back home.

(Meanwhile in London...)
<Sir Edmund Burton's POV>
Cogman starts walking towards him.
Cogman: "Sir you have a call." He hands the phone to Sir Edmund Burton and he answers.
Sir Edmund Burton: "Hello?"
Raiden: "Hey uncle, it's me Raiden."
Sir Edmund Burton: "Ah yes hello Raiden how you've been?"
Raiden: "I've been good... but I have bad news. The horns have started rising... Unicron is rising." Sir Edmund Burton pauses for a sec.
Sir Edmund Burton: "My god... are you sure?"
Raiden: "Yes I'm sure."
Cogman: "You know what we have to do." Sir Edmund Burton nods his head.
Sir Edmund Burton: "We must find find all horns and find the descendant of Merlin and the Last Knight of the Knights of the Round Table. Raiden you will find the other Horns and me, Hotrod, and Cogman will find the others."
Raiden: "Ok, great taking to ya Uncle and see you later!"
Sir Edmund Burton: "See ya!" He hangs up, "Cogman get ready."
Cogman: "Right away sir!"
Sir Edmund Burton: "We don't have much time."

<Meanwhile in Cybertron>
Quintessa: "He is awake. The war has started."

(Message from the author)
Hey guys I hope you love this part an it's pretty long. If you case you didn't know (which I don't know how you didn't) this is a crossover between RWBY and Transformer (and I guess Metal Gear and Final Fantasy). This story will have 11 parts. Don't forget to like, share, and follow and remember... T'ill all are one.

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