What Might Have Been

Start from the beginning

Sigurd sighed and nodded once more. He never got along with Ivar but for you, he would try his best.

Hugging the boy, you smiled wide before standing and turning to Aslaug.

You attacked the woman in a hug, causing her to chuckle.

"I will miss you, Aunt Aslaug." You said

"I'll miss you too, Astrid. Promise to be careful?"


After another moment, you stood and started after your parents who were waiting by the boats.

Turning back, you smiled, looking to Ivar again. You let out a whistle, earning a whistle in return.

It was a signal system that you two had made for each other. It meant I love you. Or if you lost each other in a crowd, one of you would whistle and the other would whistle back.

Smiling at the soft noise, you walked towards the boats, bags in hand, vibrating in excitement.

After setting off, you finally understood what your father meant. The wind in your hair, the sound of the water.

It excited you.

With Ragnar and Floki still angry with each other, you could not travel with Ragnar, Ubbe and Hvitserk. Instead, you remained with Floki and Helga in the same ship as Harald and Halfdan.

"So, Floki. How are you feeling?" Harald asked, patting Floki's shoulder as you overlooked the water

"I feel happy." Floki said. "I feel among friends."

"That's because you are among friends, dear Floki." Halfdan answered. "You and us, we're the same. I feel it in my heart's core." Halfdan answered

"But, uh, tell us honestly, wouldn't you rather be travelling with Ragnar?"

"I know I would." You muttered bitterly

"No." Floki answered. "I'm here with my new friends. Who love the Gods as much as I do. And would never betray them." Floki giggled


By night, the sea was rough, and there were many clouds. It looked as if it would rain as you remained curled into a ball, cuddled in your mother's arms.

The journey was long, boring and exhausting.

Nearby, you could hear Yidu singing. Ragnar had surprisingly brought her along. Everyone who had once been tired stayed up the listen to the angelic voice as if it calmed them or put them in a trance.

Though for you, it caused you to become sleepy. Though that soon changed when you heard the clash of thunder and saw the sky light up with the lightning.

Thor was striking his anvil with his hammer. You couldn't tell if he was angry or if he was celebrating as you curled closer to your mother in fear, hiding under the blankets.


The next day, the sail was torn as men rushed to fix it. Not a ship was in sight. It was just you and the others, all alone and it scared you.

Many thoughts ran through your head. What if you never saw Ubbe or Hvitserk again? What if you died out in the ocean? What happened to the dozens of other ships?

You rested against the front of the ship, hanging onto a rope as you scanned the sea for any sign of another ship.

Nearby, you heard horns. Looking to your left, you saw it. Lagertha and Ragnar's ships. Only 3 out of nearly 100. Where were the others?

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