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Veronica's POV:

Another day, another dollar, I recited as I put on the new set for tonight. The straps of the lingerie hugged everything perfectly. Makeup was set. Hair styled perfectly. Everything was in place. I looked like a new person, but that's the point of this. I gave myself one last pep talk before walking out the locker room.

The music vibrated through the walls in the back of the clubs. I felt the bass in my chest as I walked to the stage entrance. Some of the other girls were walking in and out the side entrance that led to the main floor. Allie was standing at the stage entrance.

"Hey." She was keeping watch of the crowd as Bri was finishing her set. 

"Oh good, you're here. Bri's just collecting now." Right on cue, Brianna walked off stage. She walked off with a bag of money. Looks like we have a good crowd, and they're paying attention to the dancers.

"Ronnie, hey. Big crowd out there, and they're feeling generous." She gestured down to the cash in her bag.

"Nice. Thanks for the heads up."

"No problem. Go shake some ass and make some cash." I laughed as she walked off towards the lockers.

"You ready?"

"Always." I rolled my shoulders back. This is who you are for tonight.

I made my way out on stage. The beginning of a new song started playing. All the attention was shifted to me. The red lights of the club were trained on the stage. As I walked to the pole, I scanned the crowd. It was a bigger crowd. Bri was right. More people means more money. I looked toward the VIP booth. The men there were no longer paying attention to those around them. They were focused on me. I started on with my routine. Cash was being thrown, and men were cheering.

I danced and twirled around the pole. Grinding down on it every so often. The crowd cheered and threw more money in my direction. They were loving this as much as I was. I slipped into this easier. I got lost in the song. As I continued on, I noticed a man in the VIP booth. He stood out among the rest of the men. He was leaning back against the booth, legs spread as he watched me dance. I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was good looking. He was eyeing me like there was no else around. He kept his focus on me. I smiled at him before focusing back on my dancing. My time was almost up so I continued on with one more pole move and finished with a pose. The crowd continued its cheering and throwing its last bits of cash. I quickly collected and made my way off stage.

"You did good out there, Ronnie." I smiled slightly breathless.

"Thanks Allie." I made my way to the back. I noticed Brianna at her vanity. "Hey Bri."

"Hey." She saw my bag of money and winked. "Told you. Big crowd." I took a couple of sips of water before speaking again.

"I know. The club has never been this packed." I don't know if something special happened, but I wasn't complaining since it was bringing in money. I placed my cash in my locker and made my way over to the vanities.

"I know right. You wanna get food when we're done?" I started touching up my makeup.

"Fuck yeah. I'm starving." Dancing takes a lot out of a girl.

"Same, but we got like two more hours then we're done for tonight." I let out a groan.

"Don't remind me." I've been picking up more shifts here and I'm tired. I just want to sleep, but there is money to be made and bills to be paid.

"Ready to work the floor?"

"Yeah let's-" We were interrupted by Allie coming in.

"Ronnie, you got a request for a private dance. You wanna do it?" I barely did private dances anymore. I only danced and worked the floor as a server.

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