The Siren's Song (Part 1)

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It was another date night for Shaggy and me. After the one we had last week, we decided it should be something we start doing more often, so we designated Friday nights for each other. This Friday night happened to fall on the Bloody Stake's 'All You Can Gorge' night, and Shaggy and Scooby were determined to eat the place completely out.

I had about two plates of food before I was stuffed. I looked over the mountain of food on the table as my boyfriend and his dog housed everything down. "The manager says this is the last main course platter for you guys," the waitress said as she walked over with two more plates of food.

"But, like, this is your 'All You Can Gorge' night! You have to keep feeding us," Shaggy complained as he took another bite of his burger. "Yeah, that's right," Scooby agreed. "'All You Can Gorge' only applies to amateur diners. You guys are pros," she told them. I laughed. "She's got you there, guys," I told them. Shaggy laughed as well.

"You want to know how we do it, Miss Vampire Waitress?" he asked her. "I'll bite," she said with a smirk. "Like, we call it the 'all-gulp, no-air' eating technique. By building our lung capacity, we can hold our breath and literally inhale as much food as we want," he explained, puffing out his chest. I turned to Scooby. "Show her, Scooby-Doo," I encouraged.

Scooby took a deep breath and demolished the mountain of food in front of him all in one gulp, just as Shaggy explained. "You guys have way too much free time," the waitress deadpanned. Shaggy laughed. "Like, it's a useful skill. And can you, like, bring back three plates of Jellied Eyeball cobbler?" he asked her. "Whatever," she sighed, and started to walk away. "Make it two plates! I'm too full," I called after her. She gave me a thumbs up over her head.

That's when Shaggy's phone rang next to Scooby. The dog picked it up and managed to flip it open. "Hello?" he answered. After a few moments, he asked, "Why?"

Then, after a pause, he handed the phone over to Shaggy. "It's Velma," he told us. I frowned. Velma only ever called when she got a new mystery for us. "Hello?" Shaggy answered. Velma told him something, to which he said, "We can't come, tonight... We're waiting on our dessert! It's Jellied Eyeball cobbler!" he exclaimed into the phone.

"Babe, let her know I can go," I told him. He looked at me, surprised. "Hang on a sec, Velma," he said, and pulled the phone away from him. "But it's date night," he protested me. I laughed.

"Shaggy, we've been together all day. It sounds like Velma has a mystery, and I would feel bad if she went by herself. I'm done eating and we had fun tonight together," I told him. He sighed. "Alright, but like, be safe, okay?" he told me. I smiled at him. "Of course I will," I promised.

He put the phone back to his face. "Hey, Velma? Ellie's with me, she said she'll go with you. Like, where do you want her to go?" he asked. He nodded. "Alright. Bye Velma," he said, and hung up. "She said you guys are borrowing the Blake's boat for a while, and to meet her in the marina," he told me.

I kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Shaggy. Why don't we go out tomorrow night, too, okay?" I asked. He brightened at the mention of it. "Like, sounds good! Have fun!" he told me. I stood up as the waitress brought the cobbler out.

"Don't eat all of their dessert, okay boys?" I told them. They groaned their agreement to it, and I left the restaurant. The marina wasn't too far from the Bloody Stake, so I chose to simply walk there with a flashlight. I dug it out of my backpack and made the short trek to the marina.

In about twenty minutes, I was walking up to the docks of the marina, and I could see Velma's orange turtleneck from yards away. I waved my flashlight to show her I was there. She waved back and continued working on untying the boat. I managed to get to her as she was on the last rope. "Hey, Velma. What's the mystery?" I asked. "Hey Ellie. There's a missing sardine boat off Dead Man's Point. I got an anonymous tip about it on my blog, and it mentioned it possibly having something to do with the haunted oil platform near the area," she told me.

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